ec report

Romanian President Doesn’t Fully Agree With EC Remark Concerning Parliament

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Wednesday the European Commission’s report on Romania’s justice system is correct and shows both the progress the county made to render its judiciary system efficient and the problems that have not yet been solved and might affect the country’s credibility.

EC Says Romania Needs Further Improvements Needed In Judicial Reform, Fighting Corruption

The European Commission on Wednesday published its fifth annual report on Romania, which joined the EU in 2007, under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, which states the country continued to reform its judicial system and fight against corruption but further improvements are needed.

EC Says Romania’s Anticorruption Department Shows Good Results In Fighting Corruption

The European Commission said, in its justice report on Romania released Tuesday, that the country’s National Anticorruption Department (DNA) continued to show a steady and convincing track record of investigations and indictments in high-level corruption cases.

EC Report: Penalties For Top-Level Corruption In Romania Too Lenient

The European Commission’s interim justice report on Romania, released Tuesday, notes the good track record of the country’s Anticorruption Department (DNA) and an increase in convictions for high-level corruption, but states convictions continue to be too lenient.

Romania Justice Min Upholds Message Of EC Justice Report To Reform Legal Sys

Romania’s Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said the European Commission’s report on Romania’s justice sector conveys an important message on the dire need to reform the local judicial system.

EC Draft Report: Romania’s Top-Level Corruption Cases Still Stalling

The European Commission’s draft interim report on Romania’s justice sector, to be released later Tuesday, notes the country has made little progress in justice reform and top-level corruption cases continue to be stalled or are closed with controversial acquittals.

Romanian President: No Safeguard Clause Or Restrictive Fin Measures – Important, But Not Enough

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Romania has made progress in the justice sector and the fact that the EC didn’t trigger the safeguard clause or apply restrictive financial measures is important, but it is not enough.

Romanian Chamber Speaker: EC Report, Sign Of Confidence In Govt

Romanian Chamber of Deputies speaker Roberta Anastase said Wednesday that the European Commission’s positive report on Romania’s justice system may be considered a sign of confidence on the part of the EU executive in the Romanian government.

Romania, Bulgaria Gained Reform Momentum, Monitoring Continues Under CMV – EC

Romania and Bulgaria, the European Union’s newest members, have gained momentum in making reforms, but the European Commission feels the countries should continue to be monitored, Commission spokesman Johanes Laitenberger said Wednesday at the presentation of the reports on the two countries.

Romanian Justice Min Tries To Keep As Many Bonuses As Possible For Magistrates In Unitary Pay Law

Romanian justice minister Catalin Predoiu said Monday, after the governing coalition meeting, that he will try to keep as many of magistrates’ bonuses as possible in the future single and unitary pay law for the public sector and again called on magistrates to stop halting activity in protest.

Romania’s Pension Sys Affected By Population Ageing, Black Market Labor – EC Report

Romania’s pension system will be seriously affected on the long run by the low number of contributors in ratio with beneficiaries, the low employment rate among elderly workers and the expansion of the black market labor, according to a report of the European Commission.

EC Presents Justice Reports On Romania, Bulgaria

The European Commission adopted Thursday the report regarding reform in the justice system for Romania and Bulgaria, EC spokesman Johannes Laitenberger said in the opening of the presentation conference.