economic crisis

More Than Half Of Romanians Have Lower Income Compared To 2009 – Survey

More than half of Romanians have lower income in 2010 compared to 2009, and this is the case of both people aged over 35, with low education, and younger people with higher education and average income, according to a survey conducted by market research company 360insights.

Economic Crisis Justifies Postponing Payment Of Court-Won Wage Rights – Romanian Constitutional Court

Romania’s Constitutional Court issued Tuesday the argument behind a previous ruling, which says that the current state of the country’s economy justifies the postponement of disbursing wage rights won in court by public sector employees.

Half Of Romanians Affected By Fincl Crisis In Mar – GfK Survey

The income of almost half of Romanians was negatively affected by the financial crisis in March, especially at the level of extra-salary gains, according to a survey of research company GfK.

Fin Crisis May Represent An Opportunity To Launch Reform Process – Romanian PM

The financial crisis may represent for Romania an opportunity to develop a process of economic reform, which has been delayed for 20 years, and to regulate certain issues, such as state salaries, the pensions system, and the decentralization, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc stated Wednesday.

This Year’s Romanian Fashion Week Put Off For Spring 2010

This year’s edition of Romanian Fashion Week, organized in the eastern Romanian city of Iasi, was postponed for spring 2010 on lack of funds, organizers said.

Economic Crisis Can Evolve Into Social Crisis – Romanian President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday that the current economic crisis can evolve into a social crisis, the way it happened in some EU states.

Over 30% Of Automotive Services In Romania Could Go Bankrupt In ‘09 –Official

The economic crisis and the problems insurance companies face these days might put nearly one third of automotive service centers in Romania out of business, Ion Vasile, head of the Association of Independent Automotive Service Companies (ASSAI), said Friday.

Romania’s Pension Sys Affected By Population Ageing, Black Market Labor – EC Report

Romania’s pension system will be seriously affected on the long run by the low number of contributors in ratio with beneficiaries, the low employment rate among elderly workers and the expansion of the black market labor, according to a report of the European Commission.

Romanian President To Discuss Econ Crisis, Energy Security In Warsaw

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Thursday before leaving for Warsaw, Poland, that discussion topics with Poland will include the economic crisis, energy security and the common EU agriculture policy.

Volksbank Sees Romania In Crisis Until 2011

Romania will not overcome the current financial turmoil until 2011, when it might "see the light," but still offers more opportunities than other EU states and is one of the emerging markets with the most solid banking sector, Volksbank Romania's president Gerald Schreiner said Tuesday.

Romanian President Delivers Lofty Speech, Calls For Country’s Modernization

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday in eastern city of Focsani, during the ceremony celebrating 150 since the Union of Romanian Principalities, that Romania will not be affected by the economic crisis the way other countries are affected, adding this is a solid reason for the country to start its modernization process now.

I Hope Econ Crisis Won’t Affect Justice – Romanian President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday he hopes the justice system won’t have to suffer from the economic crisis, adding judges will have to find solutions to the moral crisis, if such a crisis exists.

Romania’s New Govt To Face Imminent Econ Crisis – Oxford Analytica

Romania’s new Government will face an imminent economic crisis, whose signs have already become visible in the last months of 2008, the international consultancy company Oxford Analytica estimated for 2009.

Romanian Designated PM To Appoint Focus Group For Econ Crisis Issues

Romania’s newly designated prime minister Emil Boc said Monday he will add the finishing touches to the governing program in the upcoming period and will designate a consultation group to focus on the economic crisis .

Fincl Crisis To Peak In 3-12Mos, Romanian Govt Should Cut VAT – Rompetrol Head

The global economic crisis might peak in the next three to twelve months, so that thee Romanian government should support the economy and even consider a cut in the value added tax, or VAT, to 15%, the general manager of Romanian oil company Rompetrol, Dinu Patriciu, said Monday.

Economic Crisis To Hit Us If We Don’t Show Prudence – Romanian President

Although the current financial crisis has not affected Romania, its follow-up won't spare the country unless prudence is shown, Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday in Brussels.