education bill

President Sends Bill Amending Education Law Back To Parliament

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis decided to send a bill amending the country’s Education Law back to the Parliament for re-examination, after he considered that changes to the number of classes were done without proper assessments of their effects.

Romanian Deputy Demands Withdrawal Of International Support To Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Integration

Romanian deputy Constantin Codreanu said Tuesday that his party, People’s Movement Party, will demand the withdrawal of international support given to Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Integration, after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko passed the new education bill.

Romania’s Education Law Adopted As Opposition Mps Pull Support For No-Confidence Motion

The education law for which the Romanian Government sought a confidence vote in Parliament late October is considered adopted after opposition liberal lawmakers said in plenary they are pulling their signatures from the motion of no-confidence submitted over the bill, Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase said Tuesday.

Romania’s Parliament To Continue Conf Vote Procedure For Education Bill

Romania’s Parliament voted to continue procures for the adoption of the education bill Tuesday, despite protests from opposition lawmakers.

Romanian PM Calls On Parliament To Set Date For No-Confidence Motion Vote

Romanian Prime Minister asked the Parliament Saturday to set a date for the vote on a no-confidence motion and thus carry on with procedures for the adoption of the education law.

Romanian President Says Govt Entitled To Seek Conf Vote For Education Reform

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Thursday he believes the Government’s move to push its draft education bill through the parliament is justified, adding the act really modernizes the education system.

Romanian Senate To Debate Education Bill Monday

Romania’s Senate will debate the education bill, in the form endorsed by the education committee, in plenary meeting Monday, the Senate’s standing office decided Tuesday.

Teaching Of History, Geography In Minority Languages Eliminated From Romanian Education Bill

The Romanian Senate’s education committee has proposed to eliminate from the country's education bill the provision setting that history and geography will be taught in national minorities' languages in secondary schools and high schools with minority language teaching.

Romania Constitutional Court To Rule On Govt-Parl Conflict On Dec 1

Romania’s Constitutional Court is to decide on December 1 on the legal conflict between the Government and Parliament over the education bill, the Court said Thursday.

Romanian Govt To Consult Constitutional Court On Education Bill – Sources

Romania's Government will ask the Constitutional Court for an opinion on the procedure through which it may take a vote of confidence on the education bill, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX on Monday.

Romania PM Says Govt May Continue Education Law Adoption Through Confidence Vote

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday the Constitutional Court decision allows the Government to continue the adoption of the education bill through a confidence vote.

Romania’s Ruling Coalition Wants Education Reform Effective By Yearend

Romania’s ruling coalition has agreed the issue of the country’s education reform entering force should be fixed by the end of the year, otherwise the Hungarian minority party UDMR could leave the coalition, UDMR vice-president Laszlo Borbely said Monday.

Hungarian Minority Party Urges Ruling Democrat Liberals To Find Ways For Adoption Of Education Bill

Marko Bela, leader of the Hungarian minority party UDMR, part of Romania’s ruling coalition, on Saturday said his party expects democrat liberal ruling partners to find ways for the urgent adoption of the education reform bill, otherwise, his party will leave the coalition.

Romanian President Upset That Education Reform Is Being Stalled

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday on public radio the Hungarian minority party is not the only one upset about the education bill, adding he too is upset the reform of the education system is being stalled.

Romanian President, PM, Deputy PM Discuss Education Bill Issue

Romanian President Traian Basescu, Prime Minister Emil Boc and deputy Prime Minister Marko Bela are in talks Thursday following a Constitutional Court ruling acknowledging a legal conflict on constitutional grounds between the Executive and Parliament over the education bill.

Romanian Govt To Consult Parliament On Education Bill Procedure

Romania’s Government will consult with the Parliament about procedures to pass the education law following a Constitutional Court ruling Wednesday acknowledging a legal conflict on constitutional grounds between the two state powers, said government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean.

Romanian Liberals Prepare To Submit New No-Confidence Motion

Romania’s opposition liberals have started collecting signatures Thursday to submit a new no-confidence motion and prevent the Cabinet from passing the education reform into law bypassing Parliament.

Romanian Parliament Denies Opposition’s Bid To Put Off Education Bill Adoption

The standing offices of Romania’s Parliament denied Thursday the opposition’s bid to postpone the Government’s seeking a confidence vote to adopt the education bill bypassing parliamentary procedure.

Romanian Govt Seeks Confidence Vote To Pass Education Reform

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc, whose Government survived a no-confidence vote Wednesday, arrived in Parliament Thursday to seek a new confidence vote to pass the education bill.

Romanian Opp Party Won’t File No-Conf Motion When Govt Pushes Educ Bill Through Parl

Romania’s opposition Social Democratic Party won’t file a no-confidence motion against the Government, when it seeks the lawmakers’ confidence vote to pass the education bill, if the Government survives the opposition’s no-confidence motion on Wednesday, people close to the matter said Monday.

Romanian Govt To Seek Confidence Vote In Parliament Over Education Bill On Oct 28

The Romanian Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament on October 28 to pass the country’s education bill, the standing offices of the Romanian Senate and Chamber of Deputies decided Monday.

Romanian Govt To Seek Confidence Vote In Parl To Pass Education Bill Unless Adopted By Senate

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the education bill if the Senate fails to adopt the bill in the next seven to ten days, Adriean Videanu, vice-president of the country’s ruling Democratic Liberal Party said Monday.

Romanian President Urges Senate To Pass Education Bill By Summer Recess

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Monday sent a letter to Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana, urging the Senate to adopt the country’s new education law before the parliamentary recess.