electric car

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Govt To Introduce Fiscal Incentives For Electric Car Production, Purchase

Romania's Government will introduce a financial incentive package to encourage purchases of electric cars through an "ecologic bonus" for consumers and through tax deductions or state aid for producers.

Romanian Environment Fund To Pay For Electric Car Research Projects

Research programs in Romania for the development and manufacturing of electric cars will be conducted by an inter-ministry workgroup and will be funded from the country’s Environment Fund, which also finances the country’s clunkers program, Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said Wednesday.

Romanian PM To Set Up Govt Workgroup On Pollution Tax, Electric Automobile

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday that, in the Government’s next meeting, he will set up an inter-ministry workgroup to design a new framework fro the country's car pollution tax’s and prepare Romania’s strategy on moving towards the electric automobile.

French Carmaker Renault Launches First Electric Car In Romania In 2011

French carmaker Renault presented Tuesday at the Auto Showroom in Frankfurt four electric car concepts, and one of the electric cars will be launched in Romania at the end of 2011, Dora Pasare, manager with Renault Romania, said Tuesday.