
Foo Fighters a lansat un mini-album dedicat victimelor atentatelor de la Paris. „Saint Cecilia” este disponibil gratuit – VIDEO

Trupa Foo Fighters şi-a luat prin surprindere fanii din lumea întreagă şi a lansat un EP, intitulat "Saint Cecilia", pe care l-a dedicat victimelor din atentatele teroriste comise la Paris pe 13 noiembrie, informează contactmusic.com.

Red Hot Chili Peppers va lansa un EP cu 6 coveruri, pe 1 mai – VIDEO

Trupa Red Hot Chili Peppers va lansa un EP cu 6 coveruri, intitulat "We Salute You", pe 1 mai, pentru a celebra recenta includere a formaţiei americane în Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, informează rollingstone.com.

EP Urges EU States To Lift Labor Market Restrictions Against Bulgaria, Romania By End-2011

All EU member states must allow Romanians and Bulgarians access to the labor market by the end of 2011, ahead of the 2013 deadline, says a resolution adopted Tuesday by the European Parliament, calling on the Commission to initiate infringement procedures against non-compliant Member States.

EC Not Currently Planning To Ban Cyanide Mining, Despite MEPs Request

The European Commission (EC) is not currently planning to ban mining with cyanide, as it considers such a decision is not justified from environmental and health perspectives.

Romanian Prosecutors Have Not Received EP Notification Lifting MEP Adrian Severin’s Immunity

The Romanian Anticorruption Department (DNA) has not yet received a written notification from the European Parliament on its decision to lift the immunity of MEP Adrian Severin, accused of lobbying in exchange for money, DNA said in a press release Monday.

EP Adopts Report Recommending Romania, Bulgaria’s Schengen Entry

The European Parliament on Wednesday adopted a report by MEP Carlos Coelho recommending the accession of Romanian and Bulgaria to the border-free Schengen area.

Romania, Bulgaria Ready To Join Schengen, Says EP Civil Liberties Committee

Romania and Bulgaria’s bid to join the Schengen border-free area won the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee's green light on Monday, the EP said in a press release Monday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Anticorruption Dept To Contact EP Regarding MEP Corruption Case

Romania's National Anticorruption Department (DNA) will take every legal step to clarify the case of MEP Adrian Severin, including contact with other institutions, such as the European Parliament, regarding his immunity.

EP Petition On Romanian Defense Strategy Rejected Through EPP Vote

The petition concerning Romania's National Defense Strategy was rejected Thursday in the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions, after the members of four parties left the meeting, social democrat MEP Victor Bostinaru told MEDIAFAX.

EP Committee Admits Petitions Against Introducing Mass Media In Romania’s Defense Strategy

The European Parliament’s Petitions Committee has declared admissible the petitions filed by the Romanian Democratic Union Confederation (CSDR) and Romanian Journalists’ Federation MediaSind to have an article picturing mass media as vulnerability eliminated from the country’s Defense Strategy.

EU Women Earn 20% Less Than Men, 35% Of Women Older Than 65 Live In Poverty – EP

Women in the European Union earn on average 20% less than men for the same work, resulting in lower pensions, while 35% of women older than 65 live in poverty, according to a Tuesday hearing in the European Parliament.

EP Sets Air Accident Investigation Criteria

The European Parliament on Tuesday adopted a law to ensure the independence of air accident inquiries, enabling passengers to choose a contact to be notified and requiring airlines to produce the passenger list within two hours of an accident.

EP Calls On France, Other EU Member States To “Immediately Suspend” Roma Expulsions

The European Parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution urging France and other European Union member states to "immediately suspend all Roma expulsions”, which have stirred controversy in recent weeks.

EP Recommends Recognition Of Kosovo Independence By All EU Member States

The European Parliament recommends recognition by all European Union members states of the independence of Kosovo in a resolution adopted Thursday, a press release said.

Romanian Liberal MEP Calls On EP To React To Press Freedom Threats In Romania

Romanian liberal MEP Norica Nicolai called on fellow European lawmakers to react to the threat to press freedom in Romania after the country’s highest defense body included the media among threats to national security, the Liberal Party’s delegation to the EP said in a press release Thursday.

EP Asks EC To Enforce Rail Liberalization In Several Member States, Including Romania

The European Commission (EC) should launch infringement procedures against member states which have not yet opened up their rail networks to competition, says a resolution adopted Thursday by the European Parliament (EP), which names Romania as one of the offenders.

EP Wants EC To Propose, Until End-2011, Complete Ban On Use Of Cyanide Mining

European lawmakers want the European Commission (EC) to propose a complete ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European Union before the end of 2011, in a move to protect water resources and biological diversity, the European Parliament (EP) said in a press release Wednesday.

Romanian Commissioner-Designate Dacian Ciolos To Be Heard In EP On Jan 15

Dacian Ciolos, the Romanian nominee for the position of European commissioner, will be heard by the European Parliament on January 15, according to the schedule published on the EP’s site.

Romanian Ex Justice Min Monica Macovei To Lead EP Delegation To Republic Of Moldova- MEP

European democrat liberal lawmaker Monica Macovei was nominated for the presidency of the European Parliament delegation to Moldova and her election is a certainty, democrat liberal MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romanian Pres Accuses Media, Politicians Of ‘Dirty’ Deal In EP Campaign

Romanian president Traian Basescu on Tuesday pointed to a “dirty” understanding between private television stations and politicians on the free broadcast of some electoral videos in the campaign for the European Parliament elections in exchange for unregistered public money from the candidates.

Preliminary Results At GMT 1330: PSD+PC Alliance 31.07%, PDL 29.71 %, PNL 14.52%, UDMR 8.92%

Preliminary results from the Central Electoral Office (BEC), at GMT 1330, indicate the alliance formed of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Conservative Party (PC) secured 31.07% of the votes, the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) obtained 29.71% and the National Liberal Party (PNL) got 14.52%.

Ex-Justice Min, President’s Daughter On Romania MEPs Provisional List

A list of potential Romanian MEPs following Sunday’s European Parliament elections includes former justice minister Monica Macovei and independent Elena Basescu, the youngest daughter of incumbent President Traian Basescu.

Some 11,500 Romanians Voted Abroad By GMT 1900

Some 11,500 Romanians voted by GMT 1900 in the European Parliament elections at polling stations set up abroad, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release, adding 49 polling stations were still open after GMT 1900.

Romanians Highly Interested In EP Elections – EU Poll

Romanians are among European citizens most interested in the 4-7 June European elections, according to a TNS Opinion survey commissioned by the European Parliament.

Romania Buys IT Applications Worth EUR340,000 For EP Elections

Romania’s elections authority AEP on Wednesday said it paid EUR340,000 (VAT exclusive) to Siveco Romania for software applications to be utilized at the European Parliament elections on June 7.

Greater Romania Party Leader Announces Presidential Candidacy

Greater Romania Party (PRM) president Corneliu Vadim Tudor announced Saturday that he will run for President of Romania and, if he wins, he will select suggest Gigi Becali for Prime Minister.

Romanian President Attends Democratic Liberal EP Candidates Inauguration

Romanian President Traian Basescu will take part Saturday in the official announcement of the candidates of the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) for office in the European Parliament.

EP Members State Solidarity With Romania In Moldovan Crisis

The members of the European Parliament expressed solidarity with Romania regarding the crisis in Moldova, and requested that calm be restored in the Republic of Moldova, according to a press release issued by the EP.

Romanian Tourism Min Willing To Fund President’s Daughter EP Campaign

Romanian tourism minister Elena Udrea said Monday she will pitch in if Romanian president Traian Basescu’s youngest daughter, Elena Basescu, needs financial support for her European Parliament election campaign.

Lists Of Romanian EP Candidates Require Min 200,000 Signatures

Romania’s lists of candidates for the European Parliament elections due for June must include the signatures of at least 200,000 supporters and must ensure representation of both sexes, according to a government emergency Ordinance approved Wednesday.

Romania, Third In EU By Petitions To European Parliament

Romania ranks third among European Union states, after Spain and Germany, in terms of petitions submitted to the European Parliament.

EP Urges Romania To Rescind Bilateral Immunity Agreement With USA

The European Parliament Thursday urged Romania to rescind its bilateral immunity agreement with the U.S. regarding the International Criminal Court (ICC), EP said in its annual report on human rights in the world in 2007.

European Parliament To Launch Journalism Prize

The European Parliament will launch the Journalism Prize this year, for the first time, to honor the professionals in the field of mass media whose reports and articles, published during May 1, 2007- April 30, 2008, raise awareness on the workings and policies of the EU.

Poettering Says MEPs Could Improve Vote Attendance In Romania

European Parliament president Hans - Gert Poettering expressed his regret for the low vote attendance in the Romanian EP elections, and he added that the activity of Romanian MEPs would bring greater numbers to the voting sections in the next elections.

Romania’s Leading Opp Party Counts On Electorate’s Support At EP Elections

Romanian social-democrat MEP Ioan Mircea Pascu counts on his party to get over 25% of votes at the European Parliament elections to take place next Sunday, November 25.

European Parliament Adopts Resolution On Free Circulation In EU States

The resolution proposed by the European social democrats to apply Directive 38/2004 on the right to free circulation in EU states was adopted Thursday in the plenary session of the European Parliament, and Romanian MEPs Adrian Severin and Dan Mihalache were among the initiators of the draft.

EU Lawmakers To Debate Italy Outcast Law Monday

The European Parliament will debate Monday in plenary session the emergency Italian law which outcasts EU citizens posing a threat to public safety, adopted by the Italian executive shortly after a Romanian citizen allegedly murdered an Italian woman in Rome.

Romanian Pres Sticks To Referendum/EP Elections Combo

Romanian president Traian Basescu sent to Parliament, for reexamination, the Referendum Law enacted with the amendment of social democrat MP Eugen Nicolicea, which mentioned the postponement of elections if a national referendum is called on the same day.