
Gheorghiţă, despre Omicron: Sunt indicii că ar reprezenta o variantă de escape, de scăpare de sub acţiunea neuralizantă a anticorpilor

Coordonatorul campaniei de vaccinare Valeriu Gheorghiţă spune că sunt indicii că Omicron ar reprezenta o variantă „de escape, de scăpare de sub acţiunea neuralizantă a anticorpilor” şi că, din datele prreliminare, ar putea reinfecta persoanele trecute prin boală sau genera infecţii la cei vaccinaţi.

Romanian Intelligence Service Well-Informed On Terrorist Omar Hayssam’s Escape – Service Head

Romania’s Intelligence Service (SRI) head George Maior on Sunday said SRI knows "exactly" how Syrian businessman Omar Hayssam, tried and convicted in Romania for terrorism, fled the country and said he sent the file to the Court of Appeals in Oradea, western Romania.

Escapee Tigers At Western Romanian Zoo Found After 7 Hours

Two tigers that escaped their cages Friday afternoon from the zoo in Hunedoara, western Romania, were caught after about seven hours, tranquilized and taken back to their cages.

Romania Senate Sets Up Inquiry Committee Into Terror Suspect Escape

Romania’s Senate Tuesday decided to set up an inquiry committee to investigate the escape of Syrian businessman Omar Hayssam, accused of masterminding the kidnapping of three Romanian journalists in Iraq in 2005.