eu funds

Romanian Liberals Might Call For Committee To Check Assigning Of EU Funds In Rural Areas

Romanian liberal lawmaker Ciprian Dobre told a press conference Saturday that liberals on Monday might call on the Chamber of Deputies’ Standing Office to set up an inquiry committee to check the way European Union funds were assigned for projects in rural areas.

Romania Has 2,500 Projects Underway, Totaling EUR5.5B In EU Funds

Romania has approved 4,200 projects worth EUR9.7 billion to be funded with European money, of which 2,500 projects, worth EUR5.5 billion, have already been signed, Finance Ministry state secretary Bogdan Dragoi said Tuesday.

Local Authorities In W Romania Call For EUR10M EU Funds For Solar Street Lighting

Local authorities in Arad, western Romania, will apply for European Union non-refundable financing worth EUR10 million for a project meant to install solar lamps across the city for eco-friendly street lighting during the night.

Romania To Receive RON198M In EU Non-Reimbursable Funds For Tourism Investments

Romania’s Agency for Rural Development and Fishing APDRP will contract 269 tourism investment projects, which were shortlisted for funding via the National Rural Development Plan and will receive European Union non-reimbursable funds of 198 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1305).

Romania’s Govt To Hire Extra Staff Mainly In Sectors Managing EU Funds

Romanian Government decided in its meeting Wednesday meeting to hire extra public servants mainly in sectors involved in attracting and managing European funds, Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said.

Romanian Labor Min Pushes For Simplified Procedures To Access EU Funds

Romania’s Labor Minister Mihai Seitan on Friday said he wants simplified procedures needed to access European Union funds, especially since the absorption of funds provided via the European Social Fund (ESF) has been stalled too long over the past years.

Romanian Banks Have Enough Funds, Must Co-Finance EU Projs – Fin Min

Romania’s banking sector has plenty of funds and lenders will have to aim at giving loans to support European funds drawing, as the state won't sell as many treasuries as in 2009, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Friday.

Romanian PM Urges Ministers To Tackle Staff Shortage In Institutions Managing EU Funds

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc has called on ministers to find ways to tackle the staff shortage within the institutions managing European Union funds, according to a press release issued by the government.

Romanian Govt Promotes In ’09 Most Substantial EU-Funded Projects Session – PM

Romanian Prime Minister on Saturday said the government is promoting this year the most substantial projects session meant to absorb European funds in 2009 and 2010, when the projects are likely to be implemented.

Romanian PM Wants No Vacation For Public Servants Handling EU-Funded Projects

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Thursday urged the heads of decentralized services to ban public servants approving European Union-funded projects from going on vacation, in order to contract EU funds time and avoid losing them.

EC To Present MCV Report And EU Fund Management Report For Romania, Bulgaria – Spokesman

The European Commission will present an annual report regarding Romania and Bulgaria’s progress in the fight against corruption and a separate report on the management of EU funds in the to countries, EC spokesman Mark Gray told a news conference Thursday.

Romanian Govt Signed EUR900M Financing Contracts For EU-funded Projects

The Romanian government signed financing contracts worth EUR900 million, since it was installed in December 2008, which target projects also financed from European Union funds and it will assign this year over EUR770 million for rural development projects, Romanian Premier Emil Boc said Tuesday.

EC Spokesman Deems Speculations On Romanian Justice Report Aftermath Premature

It is premature to speculate on what will happen after the European Commission issues its report on the Romanian justice system, EC spokesman Mark Gray told MEDIAFAX Monday, in reply to statements made by the Romanian Senate chairman, who said Romania risks losing EU funds.

EU Funds To Romania May Be Cut After EC Summer Report – Social Democrat Leader

Romanian Social Democratic Party president Mircea Geoana said on Monday that there is information which says European funds for Romania may be cut after the Commission’s Report on Justice this summer and urged President Traian Basescu and relevant institutions to take measures to avoid this risk.

Romania May Be Denied Over EUR10 Million In EU Funds

Romania may be denied European pre-accession funds worth RON41.9 million (over EUR10 million), granted through PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD, because of delayed auctions, lack of funds for project co-financing and the poor quality of the projects in progress.

Romanian Cos Running EU-Funded Projs May Be Exempt From Min Tax

Companies founded this year to unfold investments using non-reimbursable EU funds that don’t yet have turnovers may be exempt from paying a minimum tax, Finance Ministry state secretary Cosmin Coman said Tuesday.

Romania’s 2015 GDP Seen 15-20% Above Prognosis On EU Funds Absorption – Fin Min Director

Romania’s gross domestic product might be 15-20% above the estimation of the National Prognosis Commission carried out for 2015, due mainly to the absorption of European structural funds, Razvan Cotovelea, director with Economy and Finance Ministry, said Thursday.

Ctrl Bker: Romanian Cos Should Speed Up EU Funds Attraction Process

Romanian companies should speed up the process of attracting EU funds, as financing from banks will become more expensive, given the current international financial crisis, central bank deputy governor Eugen Dijmarescu said Tuesday.

Romania President Criticizes Country’s Failure To Use EU Funds

Romanian President Traian Basescu criticized in his address to Parliament Wednesday the country’s poor absorption of European Union funds to modernize transport infrastructure.

Romania Received EUR560M In EU Funds For Rural Development

Romania received the first tranche of European Union funds for rural development worth nearly EUR560 million, namely, a 7% downpayment of the total sum assigned until 2013 to fund projects contracted via the National Rural Development Plan (PNDR).

Romania Should Cut Through Red Tape In EU Fund Absorption

Romania should strive to increase European Union funds absorption, which is well below the country’s yearly contribution to the union’s budget, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Friday during a seminar on economic issues.

Romania’s Agric Ministry Launches National Rural Development Plan

Romania’s Ministry of Agriculture officially launched Monday the National Rural Development Plan (PNDR), allowing Romania to access EU funds of nearly EUR8 million by 2013.

Nearly One Third Of Romanians Lack Running Water, Sewage

Romania’s environment minister Attila Korodi said Wednesday 32% of Romanians lack running water and sewage services and Romania needs to invest in waste management, water and waste water administration to catch up with other European countries.