
Fitch Rates Romania EUR1B Eurobond ‘BB+’

Fitch Ratings Friday assigned Romania's 5-year EUR1 billion sovereign bond the ‘BB+’ rating, in line with the country’s foreign currency rating ‘BB+’, which has a stable outlook.

Romania Sells EUR1B 5-Yr Eurobond At 5.17% Yield

Romania sold five-year euro-denominated bonds worth EUR1 billion at an annual yield of 5.17%, 268 basis points above the mid-swap rate, a Finance Ministry official said Thursday.

Romania Fin Min: Eurobond Issue Won’t Sidetrack 2010 Agenda

Romania’s planned eurobond issue of EUR1 billion is not a deviation from the nation’s financing agenda for 2010 and its main purpose is to finance the budget gap and tap into additional markets, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Wednesday.

Vlădescu: România intenţionează să emită eurobonduri de 1 miliard de euro

Ministrul de Finanţe, Sebastian Vlădescu, a declarat, marţi, că România intenţionează să emită eurobonduri în valoare de 1 miliard de euro, iar termenul avut în vedere este primul trimestru.