
Medicine Prices In Romania To Grow Come Apr 1 Due To Exchange Rate Shift

The prices for medicine will grow in Romania starting with April 1, since the state budget law uses an exchange rate of EUR1=RON4.25, as opposed to the RON4 for EUR1 exchange rate used in the 2009 state budget, said Health Minister Cseke Attila.

Romanian Leu Ends Up Vs Euro On Positive Intl Sentiment

The Romanian leu closed the first trading day of the year stronger versus the euro, on a positive sentiment on the regional markets.

Euro va coborî sub pragul de 4 lei la finele anului viitor

Cursul valutar se va situa la finele acestui an la 4,33 lei/euro, dar va coborî la 3,97 lei/euro la sfârşitul anului viitor, în condiţiile în care rata medie se va reduce doar uşor, de la 4,29 la 4,27 lei/euro, potrivit raportului Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) din luna noiembrie.

Cum sunt păcăliţi turiştii străini pe litoral

Să fii român în ţara ta e, deseori, foarte dificil, dar situaţia se complică şi mai tare în cazul turiştilor străini. Cititorii ne-au semnalat cazuri în care casele de schimb valutar de pe litoral se fură ca în codru, la lumina zilei, informează Ziarul Ring.

Armed Robbery At Currency Exchange House In E Romania

One currency exchange house in eastern Romanian city Galati was robbed, Saturday, around 09:30 local time, by two masked individuals who threatened the cashier with a gun and made off with some RON15,000 without harming anyone.

Fitch: Romanian Banks Face Pressure On Exchange Rate

The ongoing global financial crisis has exposed Romanian banks to increased risks, through mounting pressure on the exchange rate in an operating environment dominated by foreign banks, Fitch Ratings said in a special report Monday.

Romanian Leu Up Vs Euro, On Alleged Ctrl Bk Intervention

The Romanian leu was the only currency in the region to appreciate against the euro on Monday, dealers suspecting an intervention of the central bank on the interbank market through euro sales to support the leu.

Organizations In 6 Countries Attend Theater Exchange In Sibiu, Central Romania

Twenty-five cultural organizations from Japan, the United States, France, Italy, Germany and Romania are taking part in the "Show exchange” taking place June 5-7 during the International Theater Festival in Sibiu, central Romania.