exchange rate

Romanian Leu Hits Fresh All Time Low At RON4.3025 Vs Euro

The Romanian leu touched a new all-time low on Tuesday, as the central bank computed an indicative rate of RON4.3025 to the euro.

Romanian Leu Sharply Dn Vs Euro, Exch Rate At RON4.2917

Romanian leu fell sharply against the euro in the first half of Monday’s trade, in line with the currencies in the region, and the central bank announced a reference rate of RON4.2917 to the euro, close to its historical low.

Romanian Leu Exch Rate Slightly Changed, To RON4.2764 Vs Euro

The Romanian leu was very volatile against the euro in Thursday’s trading session and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.2764 to the euro, close to Wednesday’s exchange rate of RON4.2772.

Romania’s Ctrl Bk Sets Leu Exch Rate At RON4.2985 Vs Euro, Another Record Low

The Romanian leu touched a fresh historical low versus the euro Tuesday on the inter-bank market, on high demand for foreign currency, and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.2985 to the euro, a new record low against the euro.

Romanian Leu’s Exch Rate Hits A Fresh Historic Low Vs Euro, At RON4.2684

Romanian leu continued its downward trend on Monday and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.2684 to the euro, a fresh all-time low against the euro.

Romanian Leu Indicative Rate Hits All-Time Low Vs Euro, At RON4.2127

The Romanian leu continued its downward trend versus the European currency on Friday and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.2127 to the euro, the currency's all-time low since euro introduction in 1999.

Romanian Leu Exch Rate Touches 5-Yr Low Vs Euro, At RON4.1385

The Romanian leu strongly depreciated Thursday against the euro, and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.1385 to the euro, the leu's weakest value in five years.

Romanian Leu Dn Vs Euro, Exch Rate At RON4.0720

The Romanian leu depreciated Wednesday against the euro, trading at around RON4.08 to the euro in mid trade, and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.0720, a fresh low in four years and two months.

Romanian Leu Indicative Rate At RON4.0296 Vs Euro, Lowest In 4 Years

The Romanian leu depreciated against the euro on Monday in the first trade of 2009 and the central bank computed an indicative of RON4.0296 to the euro, its weakest level in four years.

Romanian Leu Exch Rate Plunges To 4-Yr Low, At RON3.9530 Vs Euro

The Romanian leu depreciated against the euro during the Thursday trading session, and the central bank computed an indicative of RON3.9530 to the euro, a four-year low.

Romanian Leu Further Gains Vs Euro, Mirrors Emerging Mkts

The Romanian leu further strengthened against the euro on Tuesday, mirroring emerging markets, amid high traded volumes, dealers said.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Head: Current Leu Level More Sustainable

The Romanian leu’s current level is more sustainable than last year’s highs and more likely to help narrow the country’s stretching current account deficit, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Wednesday.

Romanian Leu Falls To 3-Yr Low Vs Euro

The Romanian leu fell to a three-year low against the euro Monday, amid average volumes, echoing regional depreciating trends and worsening investor sentiment about Romania’s weak economic fundamentals, dealers said.