
Romanian Senate To Meet Tuesday With Dignitary Graft Files On Agenda

The plenary meeting of the Romanian Senate, for the cases of dignitaries Codrut Seres and Paul Pacuraru will unfold Tuesday, starting with 09:30 local time, Senate chairman Nicolae Vacaroiu announced.

Romanian Senate To Hold Extraordinary Session On August 25-28

The Romanian Senate will meet between August 25 and 28 in an extraordinary session, to discuss the cases of former minister Codrut Seres and acting minister Paul Pacuraru, the Senate leaders decided Monday.

Romanian Chamber Of Deputies To Meet In Extraordinary Session On Aug 13

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies will meet in an extraordinary session on August 13, regarding the approval of criminal investigations against former ministers Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase, a session requested by president Traian Basescu.