family doctors

Romanian Family Doctors Willing To End Conflict With Health Insurance Houses

Romanian family physicians decided to submit the documents required to sign the new public healthcare contract, to show they are willing to end the conflict with health insurance houses, doctor representatives said in a press release Thursday.

Romanian Family Doctors Might Charge Patients For Check-Ups Starting Next Week

Romanian family doctors said they hope problems regarding the frame-contract on public healthcare for 2011-2012 will be solved by June 14 so they won’t be forced to ask patients to pay for medical examinations.

Romanian Family Doctors Stand Firm In Negotiations On Healthcare Contract

Romanian family doctors will not sign the new frame-contract with the National Health Insurance House unless it is adopted in the form agreed with the Health Ministry.

Romanian Family Doctors Likely To Resume Issuing Compensated Medicine As Of Thursday

Romanian family doctor association officials announced Tuesday, after talks with Health Ministry officials, that negotiations on the new healthcare contract for 2010 will continue Wednesday and, should a consensus be reached, doctors will resume prescribing compensated medicine starting Thursday.

Romanian Health Ministry To Hold Negotiations On Healthcare Frame Contract With Family Doctors – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday the Health Ministry will hold negotiations with family doctors to solve the issues regarding the country’s new frame contract on the provision of medical assistance in 2010.

Romanian Doctors Invited To Talks At Health Ministry

Representatives of family doctors in Romania were invited Monday to talks at the Health Ministry, after they threatened in recent days they would close their practices for an unlimited period as of April 1.

Romanian Family Doctors Threaten To Seal Cabinets As Of April 1

Romanian family doctors countrywide threaten to close down their cabinets as of April 1, for an unlimited period, until concrete negotiations with respect to the frame contract on the provision of healthcare services in 2009.

Romanian Patients To Pay For All Healthcare Services As Of April 1

Romanian family doctors unanimously decided Saturday not to sign the frame contract on the provision of healthcare services in 2009, which forces patients to pay for examinations, compensated medicine prescriptions and medical tests starting April 1.

Romanian Family Doctors Call Off Protests

Romanian family doctors said Tuesday, following talks with the country’s health minister Ion Bazac and the head of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS), that they would call off protests scheduled Wednesday through Friday, after they found a way to assign reasonable funds for primary medical assistance.

Bucharest Family Doctors Advise Parents To Go In For Uterine Cancer Vaccine For Girls

Family doctors in Bucharest and Ilfov, southern Romania, recommend parents to allow the vaccination of their daughters against uterine cancer, as in Europe and the United States of America 15 million women have been vaccinated and no side effects were reported.

Romanian Family Doctors To Have Drug Prescription Threshold In ‘09 – Draft Law

Romanian family doctors will dispose of a certain sum for compensated medication prescriptions, with or without patient contributions to ambulatory treatment, other than those included in national healthcare programs, according to a draft normative act up for public debate.