
Romania’s Current Account Posts Surplus of EUR149M in January

Romania's current account balance posted a surplus of EUR149 million in January, compared with a surplus of EUR322 million in January 2019, central bank data showed Monday.

Romania’s Current Account Gap Widens to EUR10.47B in 2019

Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR10.478 billion in 2019, compared with a deficit of EUR8.86 billion in 2018, central bank data showed Thursday.

Orban spune ce s-ar afla, de fapt, în spatele „fantomaticului FDI”. La cine au mers 80% din contracte

Premierul Ludovic Orban a declarat, la începutul şedinţei de Guvern de vineri seară, că 80% dintre contractele semnate prin ”fantomaticul” Fond de Dezvoltare şi Investiţii (FDI) au fost către primari PSD, în condiţiile în care primăriile din ţară au doar 50% edili social-democraţi.

Dăncilă anunţă că săptămâna viitoare porneşte Fondul de Dezvoltare şi Investiţii

Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a anunţat, vineri, la Mamaia, că săptămâna viitoare se va da drumul Fondului de Dezvoltare şi Investiţii şi acesta va acoperi toată ţara.

Romania Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR3.4B in Jan-May

Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR3.4 billion in January-May, compared with a deficit of EUR2.564 billion in the same period of 2018, central bank data showed Monday.

Dragnea: FDI şi-a arătat utilitatea. În doar 6 zile s-au depus 310 proiecte de peste 2,5 miliarde lei

Liderul PSD, Liviu Dragnea, a declarat vineri că Fondul de Dezvoltare şi Investiţii şi-a arătat utilitatea încă din prima săptămână de funcţionare, în doar şase zile fiind depuse 310 proiecte în valoare de peste 2,5 miliarde de lei, cele mai multe pentru infrastructura de transport, apă şi canal.

Romania’s Current Account Deficit Widens to EUR9.4B in 2018

Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR9.416 billion in 2018, nearly 60% higher than the EUR5.97 billion deficit recorded in 2017, central bank data showed Wednesday.

Foreign Direct Investments Exceeded Remittances of Romanian Expats

Central bank statistics show foreign direct investment in the fist five months of the year exceeded remittances from Romanian expats for the first time.

EY Survey: Romania Ranks Fourth In Europe By FDI Job Creation In 2016

Romania ranks sixth in Europe, in a ranking of countries boasting the highest number of new jobs created through foreign direct investments (FDI) in 2016, according to the 2017 edition of the EY European attractiveness survey.

Romanian FDI Seen Rising To EUR5.8B In 2014

The Romanian government estimates foreign direct investments will increase to EUR5.8 billion in 2014, from EUR3.6 billion predicted for this year, according to the draft convergence program for 2011-2014.

Romania Central Bank Revises Down 2009 FDI To EUR3.5B

Romania’s central bank Monday revised downward foreign direct investment data for 2009 to EUR3.5 billion, from EUR4.9 billion previously, after subtracting the net loss out of equity increases.

Romania Jan-May FDI Fall 32% To EUR1.43B

Foreign direct investment, or FDI, in Romania fell to EUR1.43 billion in the first five months, from EUR2.1 billion in the year-earlier period, the central bank said Tuesday.

Romania Jan-Apr FDI Fall 36% To EUR1.1B

Romanian foreign direct investments, or FDI, fell to EUR1.135 billion in the first four months, from EUR1.8 billion in the year-earlier period, the central bank said Wednesday.

Romania Jan-Feb FDI Plunges 64.8% YY To EUR466M

Romanian foreign direct investment, or FDI, fell 64.8% on the year to EUR466 million in January-February, from EUR1.32 billion in the same period a year earlier, the central bank said Tuesday.

Romania FDI Halves To EUR4.89B In 2009

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania fell 48.4% on the year to EUR4.89 billion in 2009, from EUR9.5 billion a year earlier, the central bank said Friday.

Romania Jan-Oct FDI More Than Halves To EUR3.72B

Romanian foreign direct investment, or FDI, more than halved in the first ten months to EUR3.72 billion compared with EUR7.66 billion in the same period the year earlier, the central bank said Friday.

Romania 7-Mo FDI Dn 47.9% YY To EUR3.09B

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania fell 47.9% on the year to EUR3.097 billion in the first seven months from EUR5.948 billion in the corresponding period a year earlier, the central bank said Friday.

Romania 1H FDI Down 42.9% YY To EUR2.89B

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania fell 42.9% on the year to EUR2.894 billion in the first six months from EUR5.07 billion in the corresponding period a year earlier, the central bank said Wednesday.

Romania’s Jan-Apr FDI At EUR2.05B, Dn 44% On Yr

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania were down 44.4% in the first four months, at EUR2.055 billion, from EUR3.695 billion in the same period a year earlier, the central bank said Wednesday.

Romanian 1Q FDI At EUR1.46B, Dn 14% On Yr

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania were down 13.9% in the first quarter, at EUR1.46 billion, from EUR1.69 billion in the same period a year earlier, the central bank said Friday.

Romania ’09 FDI Seen Halved At EUR4.5B – Ctrl Bk Head

Foreign direct investments in Romania are seen halved in 2009, between EUR4 billion and EUR4.5 billion, compared with EUR8 billion in 2008, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Thursday.

Romanian ’08 FDI At EUR9.02B, Up 24.4% Y-Y – Ctrl Bk

Foreign direct investments (FDI) in Romania rose to EUR9.02 billion in 2008, up 24.4% on the year, the central bank said Thursday.

Romanian 10-Mo FDI Up 37% YY To EUR8.16B – Ctrl Bk

Foreign direct investment in Romania in the first ten months stood at EUR8.16 billion, 37% higher compared with EUR5.95 billion the same period of 2007, the central bank said on Friday.

Romanian ARIS Revises Up Its ‘08 FDI Forecasts At EUR8B

Romanian Agency for Foreign Investment ARIS revised up its estimations on the country’s foreign direct investments, or FDI in 2008, from EUR7 billion to EUR8 billion, still lower compared with Thursday’s estimations of economy minister Varujan Vosganian, of EUR10 billion.

Romania 15th In EU By 2007 FDI – Eurostat

Romania ranks 15th in the European Union by foreign direct investment inflows in 2007, with EUR7.3 billion, of which EUR6.5 billion were injected by EU countries, according to the EU statistical office Eurostat.