
Romanian Union Leaders Not Required To Declare Wealth – Draft Integrity Agency Law

The draft law on Romania’s National Integrity Agency, proposed by the Government, no longer compels trade union leaders to declare their wealth, a requirement which is distinctly stipulated in the current law.

Romanian Football Federation Manager Florin Prunea Suspended

The Romanian Football Federation (FRF) has suspended International Relations manager Florin Prunea, FRF vice-president Patritiu Abrudan told MEDIAFAX on Friday.

Over 600 Transporters To Go Bankrupt By Feb On Higher Costs- Transporters Fed

Over 600 transport companies, representing 10% of all companies in the transport sector, will go bankrupt by February 2009, on uncontrolled hike of taxes and duties, loans interests and infrastructure status, according to Federation of Romanian Transport Operators FORT.

Romanian Education Federation Urges Lawmakers To Reject Govt’s Delay On Teachers’ Wage Hike

Romanian education federation "Spiru Haret" asked the Parliament in a letter to meet urgently and reject the Emergency Ordinance the Government approved Tuesday to postpone until April 1 the 50% hike in teachers’ wages.

Romanian National Education Federation Agrees With Education Pact

The Romanian National Education federation (FEN) supports the national pact for education, stating that this is a political commitment expected for 18 years now, which will set the basis for the removal of politics from structures managing education.