
Romania To Deregulate Electricity, Natural Gas Markets By 2015

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday Romania’s electricity and gas prices will go up between 2013 and 2015, since the Government will eliminate regulated prices, in compliance with requests by the International Monetary Fund.

Romanian Airports To Set Fees After Consultations With Airlines – Draft

Romanian airports with an annual traffic of over 500,000 passengers will set the level of airport fees after consultations with airlines and are required to announce any changes in prices at least four months ahead, according to a draft government decision drawn up by the Transport Ministry.

Romanian Mobile Operators Cosmote, Telemobil, RCS&RDS To Reduce Interconnection Fees As Of July 1

Romania’s National Authority for Communications Administration and Regulation (ANCOM) announced Wednesday it will implement the last stage in the process to reduce the inter-connection fees charged by mobile operators Cosmote, Telemobil and RCS&RDS as of July 1.

Romania Should Outlaw Early Loan Repayment Fees Via Govt Decree – Competition Watchdog

Romania’s Government should transpose in national legislation a European directive banning bank fees foe early loan repayment by passing an emergency decree rather than a draft law, which takes longer to be adopted, Competition Council head Bogdan Chiritoiu said Thursday.

Fees For Calls To Romanian Short Phone Numbers Capped At 150% Of National Calls Costs – Draft

Fees for calls to Romanian short telephone numbers following the pattern 19vx(y) charged by a telecom operator may be at most 50% higher than those for national calls, says a Government decision drafted by telecom regulator ANCOM.

Romanian Authorities Hike Temporary Passport Fees To RON112

The tax for the Romanian simple temporary passport was increased Monday by RON16 (EUR1=RON4.1054), reaching RON112, since the cost for the issue of the document was hiked from RON64.2 to RON80, added with a RON32 consular tax.

Romanian Transport Min Sets Annual Danube Bridge Pass Fees

The annual pass used to cross the bridge over the Danube, at Cernavoda-Fetesti, will cost 400 lei (EUR1=RON4.2782) for 50 crossings by car and RON2,720 for trucks weighing more than 12 tons and with at least 12 axels, according to an announcement made by the Romanian Ministry of Transport.

Romania Ups Local Taxes, Fees By 20% In 2010 In Ratio With Last Three Yrs’ Inflation Rate

The Romanian Government decided to increase local taxes and fees by some 20%, as of 2010, in ratio with the inflation rate over the past three years.

Romanian State Agencies To Transfer Collected Fees To State Budget

Several Romanian governmental agencies such as the Privatization Authority, the Energy Regulatory Authority, the Foreign Investments Agency, or the Trade Registry, will have to transfer to the state budget the money collected from dues for various operations and services.

Romanian Tourism Ministry Agrees To Scrap Limit On Holiday Ticket Fees – Official

Romania’s Tourism Ministry agrees with the proposition of associations in the sector to eliminate the cap on fees charged by tour operators for the sale of vacation packages using holiday tickets, set at 10% in the draft law introducing tickets, state secretary Corneliu Popovici said Thursday.

New Fees On Roaming Calls, Texts And Surfing In The EU Take Effect

The new costs of texting, calling and web surfing abroad while in the EU, regulated by the European Commission, entered into effect on Wednesday.

Romanian Notaries To Cut Fees By 30% For „First Home” Participants

Romanian notaries will cut by 30% the duties perceived for contracts for sale and purchase and for authenticate mortgages in the case of individuals who buy dwellings through the “First Home” program, the National Union of Public Notaries UNNPR said Thursday.

Romanian Seaside Hotels Forced To Lower, Even Negotiate Fees

The small number of customers has forced hotel operators on the Romanian Black Sea coast to consider reducing their fees, even though they are even than prices asked by tour agencies, Romanian Tourism Employers’ Association general secretary Dragos Raducan told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Cost Of Roaming Texts, Calls And Data Services In EU To Plummet From 1 July

The European Parliament adopted, on Wednesday, a law package, effective July 1, which will cut the maximum fees collected by mobile operators for text messages and web services while in roaming by 60%.

Romanian Ctrl Bk To Cut By 5% Fees Of ReGIS Payments

The National Bank of Romania BNR will cut by 5% the fees collected from banks for urgent or high value payments in the real-time settlement system ReGIS, as of April 1, the central bank said Wednesday.

Romanian Central Depository To Cut Maximum Fee For Treasuries Transactions At RON50

Shareholders of Romania’s Central Depository decided Monday to cut by 28.5% the maximum ceiling of the tax for treasuries from 70 lei (EUR1=RON4.2348) to RON50 per transaction, also removing the minimum level of the fee for the transfer of shares, bonds or rights.

Low No Of Transactions May Lead To Higher Fees – Romanian Real Estate Agencies Assoc

The low number of real estate transactions closed in the last months might trigger the increase of agents’ fees, the representatives of Romanian Association of Real Estate Agencies ARAI said Monday.

Romania Ups Fees For Release Of Driving Licenses, Vehicle Registration Certificates

Romania’s Department for Driving Licenses and Vehicle Registration (DRPCIV) said Wednesday that fees for the release of driving licenses and vehicle registration certificates would be hiked starting Friday, March 20.

Romanian Telecom Regulator Should Align Interconnection Fees – Ops

The Romanian National Authority for Communications needs to align the interconnection fees applied by mobile telephony operators to EUR0.0503 / minute come April 1, due to a request issued Thursday by the European Commission, according to Vodafone Romania and Orange Romania.

Romanian Cable Operators Frown At Proposed 12% Copyright Fee

The Romanian Cable Communications Association warned that an increase from 2% to 12% of the remuneration for copyright and other rights, demanded from cable communications operators by authorities, does not comply with European practices and will bring a 10% increase in subscription fees.

Romania Telecom Regulator Eyes Cutting Interconnection Fees In 2009-2010

Romania’s communications authority (ANC) eyes cutting interconnection fees for three mobile telephony operators, as of 2009, and estimates a 25-30% decrease in clients’ phone bills over the next three years, the regulator’s head Liviu Nistoran said Thursday.

Romania’s Romtelecom Lowered Fees By 40% For Long Distance Calls During Busy Hours

Romania’s telecom operator Romtelecom reduced on Monday by 40% the fees for long distance calls during busy hours, and by 17% the fees for calls to networks of other hard-line operators, the operator said Monday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Cuts By 10% Fees For Real Time Clearing Sys Payments

Romania’s central bank lowers by 10% fees perceived from lending institutions for large or urgent payments in the Real Time Gross Interbank clearing and settlement system (ReGIS) starting Aug 1, the bank said Tuesday.

Mobile Ops In Romania Say Telecom License Fees Should Be Set In Auctions

License fees for the use of the radio frequency spectrum should be set in auctions and the Romanian authorities’ decision to set a fixed fee is not in accord with practices in other European states, mobile operators said Tuesday.

Romania Ranks 5th In EU Based On Retail Banking Price Discrepancy -Report

Romania ranks fifth in the EU-27 bloc based on differences between national banks’ prices, according to the 2008 World Retail Banking Report released by the World Bank, Capgemini, ING and the European Financial Management and Marketing Association (EFMA) on Monday.

Romanian IT&C Authority Proposes New Interconnection Fees

A number of 33 fixed telephony operators could apply, starting with the second quarter of 2008, an interconnection fee of 1.15 eurocents/minute, according to a draft decision of the National Authority for the Regulation of Communications and Information Technology (ANRCTI).