
Most Romanians Want Felonies Punished With Jail Time

Six out of ten Romanians want felonies to be punished with jail time and think fear of the penalty would discourage felons and current laws don’t stipulate punishments that discourage misdemeanors, according to a poll of Transparency International Romania (TI-Ro).

Romanian Woman Sues Politicians, Calls G.W. Bush As Witness

One Romanian woman sued, in the Cluj Court of Appeal, several politicians, whom she accuses of all the crimes in the Criminal Code, while witnesses include French president Nicolas Sarkozy and former American president George Bush.

Non-Declaration Of Goods Worth Over RON20,000 In Customs To Be Considered Felony

Non-declaration at customs points of goods worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2127) will be considered a felony and is punishable by two to seven years imprisonment, according to a draft emergency decree drawn up by the Romanian National Customs Authority.