final results

Final Results Confirm Romanian TV Host Teo Trandafir Wins Lawmaker Seat

Romanian TV host Teodora Trandafir obtained 54.02% of the votes cast in Sunday’s by-election for a lawmaker seat in the 19th constituency in capital Bucharest, while conservative Liliana Minca garnered 45.98% of the votes, final results showed Monday.

Romanian Election Data Centralized, Incumbent President Reelected

The Romanian Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) Wednesday evening completed centralizing data on Sunday’s presidential elections, showing Traian Basescu as the winner, with 5,275,808 votes.

Romania’s PSD Gets 11 MEP Seats, PDL – 10, PNL – 5, UDMR – 3, PRM – 3, E. Basescu – 1 – Final Results

Romanian social democrats (PSD) won the elections for the European Parliament with 31.07% of votes and secured 11 seats in the EU legislative body, while coalition partners democrat liberals (PDL) got 29.71% of votes and ten MEP seats, according to the final election results released Wednesday.

Final EP Results In Romania Likely To Be Validated Thursday

Final results of European Parliament elections in Romania will most likely be validated and sent for publication in the country’s Official Journal Thursday, said Monday Marian Muhulet, spokesman for the Central Electoral Bureau.

Final Results: Four Parties And Minorities To Make Up Romanian Parliament

Romania’s Central Election Office announced Tuesday the final result of the parliamentary election held Sunday and the country’s new Parliament will be formed of the social democrat and conservative alliance, democrat liberals, liberals, the Hungarian minority party and representatives of other national minorities.

Romania’s Leftist Social Democrats Secure Most Mayor Positions Countrywide

Romania’s leftist opposition Social Democratic Party secured 1,138 most mayor positions countrywide in local elections Jun 1 and Jun 15, while democrat liberals gained 908 positions and liberals gained 706, according to final results released Thursday by the Central Electoral Office.

Romanian Democrat Liberals, Social Democrats Win 425 County Councilor Seats Each

Romanian elections officials on Friday said democrat liberals and social democrats won an equal number of county councilor seats at the local elections held June 1, namely 425 seats each.

Romanian Democrats To Have 13 MEPs

Romania’s Democratic Party, or PD, will send 13 MEPs to Brussels, according to the final results of the vote on Sunday, announced Wednesday by the Central Electoral Office.