finance ministry

Finance Ministry Official Says Bank Tax on Assets is Quarterly

Romania's tax on banks' financial assets is to be levied quarterly on the quarterly assets balance, an official at the Ministry of Finance said Thursday.

Romania Sells EUR462.6M 4-Yr Forex Bonds At 4.85% Yield

Romanian Finance Ministry Wednesday sold EUR462.6 million in four-year foreign currency bonds, below the planned amount, at an average yield of 4.85% a year.

Romania’s Budget Posts RON829M Surplus In April

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a surplus of 829 million lei (EUR200.1 million) in April, fueled by higher revenue, while the budget deficit for the first four months of 2011 narrowed to RON4.4 billion, the Finance Ministry said Wednesday.

Romania To Verify State Cos Data After EU Cites Uncertainties On 2010 Figures

Romania's Finance Ministry will verify the accuracy of the financial figures reported by a series of state-run companies, after the European Union expressed reserve on the quality of the budget deficit data sent by the country.

Romania Pays Interests Of 2%-3.4% A Year On Bailout Loans

Romanian Finance Ministry will pay an interest between 2.375% and 3.375% a year for the first three installments of a EUR5 billion loan from the European Union, according to the government’s public debt management strategy for 2011-2013.

Romania’s Budget Posts Deficit Of 0.4%/GDP In Jan-Feb

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 2.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0881) in the first two months of the year, compared with RON5.8 billion in the same period of 2010, Finance Ministry data showed Friday.

Romania’s 2010 Budget Deficit Narrows To 6.5% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget posted in 2010 a deficit of 33.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2675), or 6.5% of the estimated gross domestic product, lower than the ceiling agreed with the International Monetary Fund, the Finance Ministry said Thursday.

Romanian Govt Based 2011 State Budget On 16% Flat Tax, Doesn’t Endorse Lower Tax

Romanian Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu said Tuesday after the Senate voted to lower the flat tax on income to 10% from 16% that the Government is drafting the state budget for next year based on the 16% rate.

EXCLUSIVE: Romania To Launch First MTN Issue Late 2010/Early 2011

Romania's Finance Ministry will launch the first bond issue of its planned EUR7 billion medium term notes (MTNs) program at the end of 2010 or early 2011, according to the government’s letter of intent that will be sent to the International Monetary Fund.

Romanian Health Ministry Pushes For Higher Autonomy Over Healthcare Sys Resources

Romania’s Health Minister Cseke Attila said Tuesday he plans to bring the National Health Insurance House under the Health Ministry’s authority and have it manage the single health insurance fund, which is currently managed by the Finance Ministry.

Romanian President, PM To Discuss Fin Ministry Incentives Sunday

Romania’s President Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Emil Boc will meet Sunday to discuss the situation of bonuses at the Finance Ministry, following two days of protests among ministry and fiscal administration employees over unpaid incentives, Basescu told Pro TV in an interview Sunday.

Romanian Finance Minister Says Employees To Get Bonuses For Aug, Sept

Romania’s Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu on Thursday told ministry employees protesting over unpaid bonuses that bonuses for August and September would be paid, but only after a commission of unionists and ministry officials analyzes how they are granted.

Hundreds Of Finance Ministry Employees Continue Countrywide Protests Over Unpaid Bonuses

Hundreds of employees of the Romanian Finance Ministry and local fiscal administration departments throughout Romania are protesting over unpaid bonuses for a second day in a row Thursday.

Romania Fin Ministry Rebuked Over Insufficient Data In Fiscal Strategy

Romania’s Fiscal Council Friday criticized the Finance Ministry for its lack of details regarding the revenue forecasts included in the 2011-2013 fiscal strategy and recommended the ministry present the macroeconomic fundamentals considered for each revenue category.

Romania Fin Ministry To Refinance Local Debt Worth RON17B In 2011 – Survey

Romania's Finance Ministry will have to refinance local debt worth 17 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2915) in 2011, according to a survey from ING Bank released Tuesday.

Romania Rejects All Bids In 5-Yr Bonds Sale

Romania’s Finance Ministry Thursday rejected for the second straight time all bids in a 300 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2616) five-year bonds auction, citing high yields.

Romania Govt Says Ctrl Bank Pay Cuts Stand

Romanian government Monday upheld a 25% pay cut for central bank staff, but decided the funds will remain at the bank’s disposal instead of being transferred directly to the state budget.

Romania Public Debt Falls Slightly In June To RON177B

Romania’s public debt slightly fell to 176.9 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2244) in June, from a peak of RON178.3 billion a month earlier, according to Finance Ministry data.

Romania Rejects All Bids In 5-Yr Bonds Sale

Romania’s Finance Ministry Thursday rejected all bids in a 300 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2283) five-year bonds auction, citing high yields.

Romania Public Debt Rises To 34% Of GDP In April

Romania’s public debt rose to 34.07% of the gross domestic product in April from 30.06% of the GDP a month earlier, Finance Ministry data showed Tuesday.

Romania Fin Ministry Updates Norms For Tax On Interest Income

Romania’s Finance Ministry on Wednesday updated earlier announced norms for the freshly introduced 16% tax on earnings from deposit interests, allowing banks to tax only the income obtained after July 1.

Romania Fin Ministry Eyes More Debt Sales On Foreign Markets

Romania’s Finance Ministry wants to extend to three years the period during which the ministry can sell debt on foreign markets, so that the eastern European country may borrow money “at any given moment,” acting Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Friday.

Romania March Public Debt Rises To 30% Of GDP

Romania’s public debt rose to 30.06% of the gross domestic product at the end of March from 28.7% of the GDP a month earlier, mostly due to a EUR1 billion Eurobond sale, Finance Ministry data showed Friday.

Romania Jan-Apr Budget Deficit Widens To 2.2% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 12.1 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1523) in the first four months of 2010, wider than RON9.36 billion in the same period a year earlier, according to data published Friday by the Finance Ministry.

Romanian Fin Min To Unblock 2009 Overdue Subsidies For Farmers By Friday

Romania’s Finance Ministry will unblock all 2009 overdue subsidies to farmers by Friday, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Thursday after a meeting with agriculture sector unionists and Agriculture Minister Mihai Dumitru.

Romania Might Regulate Online Gambling

The Romanian Finance Ministry is looking into ways to regulate and authorize online gambling and will allow the setting up of a firm tasked with checking the money collection process, Finance Ministry secretary of state Bogdan Dragoi told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Number Of Occupied Posts In Public Sector Dn 36,404 Since Dec 2008 – Fin Min Official

The number of occupied posts in the public sector decreased by 36,404 in the December 2008 and February 2010 interval, from 1,398,867 to 1,362,463 occupied posts, Romanian Finance Ministry secretary of state Gheorghe Gherghina said Friday.

Romania Q1 Budget Deficit Meets IMF Target – Fin Min

Romania met its 8.25 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1094) budget deficit target for the first quarter set with the International Monetary Fund, despite lower-than-expected revenue, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Thursday.

Romania Jan-Feb Budget Gap At 1.1% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 1.1% % of the gross domestic product in the January-February period, amounting to 5.8 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0653), Finance Ministry data showed Thursday.

Romania’s Public Debt Falls To RON143.9B In January

Romania’s public debt fell to 143.95 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0801) at the end of January, from RON148.05 billion a month earlier, according to Finance Ministry data released Thursday.

Romania’s Fin Min Urged To Exempt Disabled People From Paying Taxes On Salary, Pension

Romania's National Authority for People with Disabilities (ANPH) Friday urged the Finance Ministry to amend a Government decision which applies taxes on the salaries and pensions of people with serious disabilities.

Romania January Budget Gap At 0.03% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit stood at 0.03% of the gross domestic product in January, Finance Ministry state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina said Wednesday.

Romania 09 Budget Gap At 7.2% Of GDP, Below IMF Cap

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit rose to 36.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1173), or 7.2% of the gross domestic product at the end of 2009, modestly below the 7.3% of GDP cap agreed with the International Monetary Fund, the Finance Ministry said Monday.

Romanian Travel Agencies Tour Operators Won’t Be Levied Lump Sum Tax

Romania’s Finance Ministry has told the National Association of Tour Operators (ANAT) travel agencies and tour operators will not be levied a lump sum tax, ANAT head Corina Martin told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romania Sells EUR1.42B 1-Yr T-Bills At 4.25% Avg Yield

Romania’s Finance Ministry on Thursday sold one-year hard currency treasury bills worth EUR1.423 billion, almost triple the planned amount, at an average yield of 4.25% on the year.

Romania MOF Upgrades GDP Estimate, Sees Contraction Of 7%-7.5% In ‘09

Romanian Finance Ministry revised upward its forecast for economic growth in 2009 and it now expects the gross domestic product to shrink by 7%-7.5%, from a decline of 8% initially estimated, a ministry official said Thursday.

Romania Fin Min: Hiking VAT, Flat Tax A Mistake

Romania would make a “big mistake” to increase the value added tax and the flat tax, as changing them after the effort it took to keep them at the current levels would be procyclic policy, an official of the Finance Ministry said Thursday.

Romania’s Public Debt Rises To 28.08% Of GDP In Jan-Sep

Romania’s public debt rose to 28.08% of the gross domestic product at the end of September from 21.78% of the GDP at the end of last year, according to Finance Ministry data released Wednesday.

Romania Jan-Oct Budget Gap Rises To 5.2% Of GDP – Fin Min

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit rose to 5.2% of the gross domestic product in at the end of October, interim Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Tuesday.

WB May Approve 2nd EUR360M Loan To Romania By Yr-end – MOF

The World Bank may approve a second EUR360 million loan of a larger EUR1 billion financial package aimed at development policies in Romania by the end of the year, the country's Finance Ministry said in a statement Thursday.