financial aid

Romania’s Govt To Eliminate Financial Aid For Childbirth, First Marriage

Romania’s Government will eliminate the 230 lei (EUR1=RON4.1814) financial aid granted to mothers at childbirth, as well as the EUR200 aid for newlyweds at their first marriage, according to a draft ordinance decree to cut social spending.

Switzerland Offers Financial Aid Of EUR7M For Romania Healthcare System

Switzerland will provide financial aid of EUR7 million to Romania in 2010 to help the country develop its emergency healthcare services.

EC Proposes European Council To Provide EUR5B Financial Aid To Romania

The European Commission agreed Tuesday to propose the European Council to provide medium-term financial assistance to Romania of up to EUR5 billion, as part of a multilateral package which will total up to EUR20 billion.

Govt Denies Aid To Landslide Hit Area, Locals Outraged

Nicolae Stanisor, mayor of Mateesti, in Romania’s southwestern county of Valcea, is outraged by the government’s decision to grant no financial aid to the families whose homes were destroyed by landslides at a mining debris site in the area.