fiscal statements

About Half Of Romanian Big, Medium Cos Submitted October Fiscal Statements Online

About 45% of Romanian big and medium companies submitted their October fiscal statements online by November 25, said the country’s fiscal authority ANAF.

Romanian Cos To Submit Fiscal Statements Online As Of Oct 1

Romanian large and medium taxpayers will submit their fiscal statements online as of October 1, through the National Electronic System (SEN), the Ministry of Communications announced Thursday.

Cos In Romania Might Submit All Fiscal Statements Via e-Guvernare Until End-2010

Companies in Romania might be able to submit all fiscal statements via a specific system on until the end of 2010, as an inter-ministry committee is already working on the project, said Andrei Haas, head of the General Department of Large Taxpayers within tax authority ANAF.

Romania Fiscal Auth To Expand Online Application Sys To 22 Counties Nationwide

Romania’s fiscal regulator ANAF on Monday proposed expanding the online fiscal statement application system to 22 counties nationwide and recommended the list of online contributors should include additional categories of taxpayers.