fiscal strategy

Romanian President Supports Govt’s Fiscal Strategy, Says Country Needs More Public Sector Layoffs

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Friday he supports the Government’s recently adopted fiscal strategy, adding Romania would default if it keeps borrowing money to pay wages and pensions.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Environment Ministry’s Expenses To Increase By 2013

The Romanian Environment Ministry’s total expenses are seen to increase in the next three years, according to estimates in the country’s three-year fiscal strategy approved by the Government Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romania To Reduce Social Aid Spending In Next Two Years

The Romanian Labor Ministry is to lower its spending on social welfare over the next two years, from 2.74% of gross domestic product this year, to 2.30% of GDP in 2012, according to the Government’s three-year fiscal strategy, approved Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Education Ministry’s Total Expenses To Increase By 2013

The Romanian Education Ministry’s total expenses are seen to increase in the upcoming three years and might reach 8,480 million (EUR1=RON4.2394) in 2013, from RON5,536 million in 2010, according to estimates in the country’s three-year fiscal strategy approved by the Government Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romania Plans Drastic Cut In Healthcare Spending By 2013

The Romanian Government’s three-year fiscal strategy, approved Wednesday, estimates drastic cuts in the Health Ministry’s spending, from 5,081 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2394) in 2010 to as little as RON1,842 million in 2013.

EXCLUSIVE: Romania Might Lower Defense Ministry’s Total Expenses By 2013

The Romanian Defense Ministry’s total expenditure might decrease to 0.73% of the gross domestic product (GDP) by 2013, from 1.29% of GDP in 2010, according to estimates in the country’s three-year fiscal strategy approved by the Government Wednesday.