
Nine Passenger Train Routes Affected By Landslide In Sw Romania

Nine passenger trains have been cancelled on certain routes and five have been detoured following a landslide Saturday evening in Mehedinti county, southwestern Romania.

Financial Aid For Romanian Food-Hit Areas In ‘08 Granted Upon EC Evaluations – Govt

Romania's Government on Wednesday said European Union funds worth EUR11 million, used as financial assistance for floods that occurred in 2008, were allocated to counties Suceava, Botosani, Neamt, Iasi and Maramures, in northern Romania, after the EC experts assessed flood-related damages.

Romania Gets EUR11.7M In EU Aid For Flood Damage

The European Commission on Thursday confirmed Romania will benefit from EUR11.78 million aid, following the severe floods of last summer.

Romania Extends Flood Advisory To 21 Counties

Heavy rains of up to 50 liters per square meters expected throughout Romania have prompted hydrologists to issue a flood advisory for 21 counties from Tuesday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon.

Code Yellow Flood Warning For 25 Romanian Counties

Romanian hydrologists instated flood code yellow for 25 counties, starting Saturday and ending Tuesday afternoon, considering the potential effects of rains forecast for this weekend.

Labor Min OKs First Emergency Aids For Flood Victims In N. Romania

Romania’s Labor Ministry on Wednesday approved emergency aid for northern counties Maramures and Botosani, with the remaining counties affected by the recent flooding to receive the first payments as of Friday, Minister Paul Pacuraru said.

Over 10,000 Romanian Flood Victims Received Vaccination

Over 10,000 people in areas hit by floods in northern and eastern Romania have been vaccinated and preventive medical care will continue next week, Raed Arafat, sub-secretary of state in the Health Ministry, said Saturday.

Romanian Chamber Of Deputies To Meet In Extraordinary Session On Aug 13

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies will meet in an extraordinary session on August 13, regarding the approval of criminal investigations against former ministers Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase, a session requested by president Traian Basescu.

Flood Aftermath: Over 15,800 People Evacuated In Northern Romania

Over 15,800 people were evacuated, of which over 9,300 were evacuated from the eastern county of Neamt alone, five people died and 150 localities in six counties were flooded, according to Victor Paul Dobre, state secretary within the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform.

Flood Aftermath In NE Romania – Report

The situation on the Prut river at the border with Moldova remains critical, but the number of people evacuated because of the recent flooding is down to 11,720 state secretary Victor Paul Dobre said Monday.

Romania Flooding Kills 4, Situation Still Critical

Four people died, two are reported missing and 12,862 others have been evacuated in northern Romania over the past few days after heavy rains caused massive flooding that affected 174 localities in seven counties, state secretary Victor Paul Dobre said Sunday.

Floods Strike NE Romania, Hundreds Evacuate

Nearly 300 people have been evacuated in northeastern Romania over the past few days after heavy rains caused massive flooding that affected some 2000 households, local authorities said Saturday.

Eastern Romania Gets Code Orange Warning For Floods

Romania’s National Institute for Hydrology and Water Administration issued code orange warning for floods in seven counties in the country’s eastern region of Moldavia, the National Water Administration (ANAR) said Thursday, citing the Institute’s updated warning.

Powerful Flashflood Hits NW Romania

Over two hundred hectares of land and dozens of households were affected by a powerful flashflood Wednesday afternoon in Cluj County, northwestern Romania.

Flood Damage In Romanian NW Cluj Rises To RON12M

Damages caused by floods mid-May in Romania’s northwestern county of Cluj amount to 12 million lei (EUR1=RON3.6658) and the prefect’s office is to request compensations from the government, prefect Calin Palton said Tuesday.

Heavy Rain Causes Havoc In SW Romania

Dozens of households were flooded, and a warehouse caught fire Thursday evening in southwestern Romanian town Drobeta Turnu Severin, after heavy rain that lasted one hour and a half.

Hundreds Of People Affected By Floods In Eastern Romania

Some 500 people and about 100 homes in Toflea and Brahasesti, in the eastern Romanian county of Galati, were affected by floods following heavy rain Friday evening.

Heavy Rains Flood Several Areas In Romania

Dozens of homes and households throughout the country were hit by floods Friday afternoon following heavy rains.

Northern, Southern Romania Could Be Hit By Floods In Next 3 Months

Regions in northern and southern Romania could be hit by floods in April, May and June, according to a hydrological forecast made public Thursday by the National Institute for Hydrology and Water Administration.

Flood Warning Extended In Romania Until Monday At Noon

Romanian hydrologists extended the code orange and code yellow warnings, until Monday at noon, for the counties in which there is the risk of floods, namely Hunedoara, Arad, Mures and Timis.

Heavy Rainfalls, Snow Melting Cause Floods In Several Romanian Counties

Heavy rainfalls and snow melting caused floods on Saturday night which affected over 50 households and over one hundred hectares of land in more locations in Romania’s northern county of Maramures.

Code Red For Flood On Romanian River Jiu

City halls in several Romanian cities neighboring the river Jiu received a code red warning on the danger of floods on the lower course of the river, starting with Monday afternoon, until Tuesday at noon, according to the National Administration "Romanian Waters."