
Romanian Insurance Mkt Seen Declining At Least 5% This Year

The Romanian insurance market will decline at least 5% this year, in an optimistic scenario, as the number of civil liability car insurance policies and their prices will drop 20%, said Tuesday Cristian Constantinescu, head of the Romanian union of insurance and reinsurance companies.

Romanian Economy To Grow 0.5% At The Most In 2010 – Analysts

Romanian economy is not likely to grow by more than 0.5% in 2010 given the major declines in industry, constructions and retail sectors, as well as the raising unemployment, analysts said Monday.

Romanian Commercial Debt To Grow 10% In ’10, To EUR1.1B – Collectors

The value of commercial debts will gain 10% this year, from EUR1.1 billion in 2009, with the highest impact segments including the residential segment, construction, transports, textiles, retail and distribution according to forecasts from the Romanian Commercial Debt Management Association (AMCC).

Romanian Leasing Mkt Seen Dn By As Much As 30% This Year Compared To 2008

The Romanian leasing market will decrease this year by 20% to 30% from the EUR4.817 billion in financed assets posted in 2008, because of the state of Romanian economy and the unfavorable international economic environment.

Romania’s Fin Ministry Ups ’09 Budget Def, Inflation Targets

Romania’s new Government will include in 2009 budget draft a slightly higher budget deficit and annual inflation rate than previously announced, a Finance Ministry press release showed Wednesday.

Romania’s Economy Seen Growing Over 5% Per Yr By 2020

Romania’s economy is seen growing over 5% per year by 2020, while slowing down from a growth peak of 6.5% in 2008 to a low of 5.2%, the Romanian forecasting commission said Tuesday in a report.

Romania Life Insurance Mkt Seen Up 25% In 2008

The growth rate of Romania’s life insurance market will reach 25% in 2008, up 5% from 2007, mainly due to people’s growing interest in these financial instruments, following the adhesion campaign to private pension funds.

Romanian Econ Fin Min States Forecasts For ‘08

Romanian economy and finance minister Varujan Vosganian presented several forecasts on the economic indicators for 2008, indicating that in the year to come, salaries, pensions, as well as prices for energy will register some “moderate” hikes.