forex reserves

Romania Forex Reserves Rise To EUR32.7B In January

Romanian foreign exchange reserves rose to EUR32.69 billion in January, after the International Monetary Fund released a seventh installment of a EUR13 billion stand-by loan, central bank data showed Tuesday.

Romanian Forex Reserves Rise To EUR32.6B In September

Romanian foreign exchange reserves rose by EUR1.025 billion on the month to EUR32.58 billion in September, boosted by money from the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, the central bank said Friday.

Romanian Forex Reserves Fall To EUR31.55B In August

Romanian foreign exchange reserves decreased by EUR26 million on the month to EUR31.55 billion in August, central bank data showed Monday.

Romanian July Forex Reserves Fall Slightly To EUR31.6B

Romanian foreign exchange reserves nudged down EUR47 million on the month to EUR31.58 billion in July, central bank data showed Monday.

Romania Ctrl Bk Reserves Can’t Be Used To Cover Deficit – Gov

Romania's gold reserves would be depleted in one year if the central bank were to cover the social security budget from its reserves, the bank’s governor Mugur Isarescu said Thursday.

Romanian June Forex Reserves Fall To EUR31.63B

Romanian foreign exchange reserves fell EUR362 million in June to EUR31.627 billion, central bank data showed Thursday.

Romanian March Forex Reserves Hit Record High Of EUR32B

Romania's foreign exchange reserves rose EUR2.3 billion in March to a record EUR32.03 billion, fueled by inflows from the European Union and a five-year Eurobond issue.

Romania’s Feb Forex Reserves Rise EUR1.7B To EUR29.74B

Romanian foreign exchange reserves rose EUR1.7 billion in February to an all-time high of EUR29.739 billion, fueled by two tranches from the International Monetary Fund, according to central bank data released Monday.

Romania’s Sept Forex Reserves Up EUR596M, At EUR28.34B

Romanian foreign exchange reserves rose EUR596 million in September to a fresh all-time high of EUR28.339 billion, boosted by the second tranche of the International Monetary Fund loan, the central bank said in a statement Tuesday.

Romania’s Forex Reserves Dn EUR92M In Feb To EUR25.9B

Romania’s foreign exchange reserves decreased by EUR92 million in February to a total of EUR25.917 billion, the central bank said in a statement Monday.

Romania’s Forex Reserves Dn EUR90M In Nov To EUR27.23B

Romania’s foreign exchange reserves decreased by EUR90 million in November to a total of EUR27.228 billion, the central bank said in a statement Tuesday.