fuel price

Energy Expert: Fuel Price Hike Could Jeopardize Romania’s Economic Growth

The price increase of crude oil and oil products, after the recent chemical attack in Syria, could jeopardize Romania’s economic growth, as a fuel price hike would trigger a chain reaction in the economy, according to energy expert Ionut Purica.

Romanian Antitrust Body Asks Govt For Delay In Fuel Inquiry – Sources

Romanian Competition Council asked the government to extend the deadline by which the authority had to present the conclusions of its investigation on the price increases on the local fuel market, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania’s Petrom Cuts Gasoline, Diesel, LPG Prices

Romania’s largest oil company Petrom SA (SNP.RO) cut Monday gasoline reference prices by 0.09 lei (EUR1=RON3.7985) per liter, diesel oil prices by RON0.06, while the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was cut by RON0.46, at RON1.99, the company said in a statement.