
Romania Jan-May Budget Gap Widens To 3.2% Of GDP – Sources

Romanian consolidated budget posted a deficit of 16.5 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2163) in the January-May period, amounting to 3.23% of the gross domestic product, government sources said Friday.

Vogue prezintă articole vestimentare mai ieftine

Celebra revistă de modă Vogue, confruntată cu criza financiară, şi-a schimbat strategia editorială şi de marketing, prezentând nu numai articole de lux, dar şi diferite obiecte vestimentare la preţuri accesibile şi femeilor din clasa de mijloc, informează New York Times.

Stella McCartney va lansa o linie vestimentară pentru copii

Gap Inc. încearcă să câştige un nou segment de clienţi şi a anunţat, miercuri, că s-a asociat cu Stella McCartney pentru a lansa o linie de articole de îmbrăcăminte pentru copii la sfârşitul acestui an.

Romania’s ’08 Curr Acct Gap Widens 1.2% To EUR16.87B

Romania’s current account deficit rose by 1.2% in 2008 to EUR16.87 billion, from EUR16.67 billion in the previous year, mainly driven by a higher trade deficit, the central bank said in a statement Thursday.

Romania’s 11-Mo Curr Acct Gap Widens 7.8% YY To EUR16B

Romania’s current account deficit rose 7.8% on the year in the January-November period to EUR 16 billion, from EUR14.83 billion in the same period a year earlier, the central bank said in a statement Thursday.

Romanian Jan-Mar Trade Deficit Widens To EUR4.85B

Romania's trade deficit widened around 10% in January-March to EUR4.85 billion from EUR4.4 billion in the same period last year, on higher imports from the European Union, the National Statistics Institute said Friday.

Romanian Jan-Feb Curr Acct Gap 5.6% Wider On Yr

Romania’s current account deficit widened a slight 5.6% on the year in January-February to EUR2.193 billion from a EUR2.076 billion deficit in the same period last year, preliminary data from the central bank showed Tuesday.

Romania 2007 Curr Acct Gap Widens 66.1% YY

Romania's current account deficit widened 66.1% on the year in 2007 to EUR16.87 billion, mainly due to a larger trade deficit, central bank preliminary data showed Thursday.