gdp growth

EC Maintains Romania’s 2019 GDP Growth Projection at 3.8%

The European Commission has maintained its 3.8% economic growth projection for Romania in 2019 in its winter economic forecast released Thursday, unchanged from its fall forecast.

EC Cuts Romania’s 2017 GDP Growth Forecast To 4.3%

The European Commission (EC) has revised downward its forecast on Romania’s 2017 economic growth by 0.1%, to 4.3% from 4.4%, below the Romanian Government’s projection of 5.2%, and kept its GDP growth forecast of 3.7% for 2018, the Commission said in its spring forecast.

EBRD Revises Up Romania’s 2017 GDP Growth Forecast To 4%

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has raised by 0.3% its economic growth forecast for Romania, to 4% for 2017, according to EBRD’s latest Regional Economic Prospects report released on Wednesday.

EIU: Romania Economy To Post Weak Economic Recovery In 2011

Romanian economy is expected to grow only modestly in 2011, after a decline of 2% envisaged for 2010, while tough austerity measures are bound to face strong social opposition and could create instability, the Economist Intelligence Unit said in its latest global forecast Tuesday.

BCR Revises Up Romanian GDP Growth F’cast At -7.1% In ’09, +0.6% In ’10

Banca Comerciala Romana revised up its forecast regarding Romania's economic growth, seeing now a 7.1% contraction in 2009 from previously expected 8%, according to BCR's chief economist Lucian Anghel.

Romania MOF Upgrades GDP Estimate, Sees Contraction Of 7%-7.5% In ‘09

Romanian Finance Ministry revised upward its forecast for economic growth in 2009 and it now expects the gross domestic product to shrink by 7%-7.5%, from a decline of 8% initially estimated, a ministry official said Thursday.

Fin Min: Romania’s GDP May Contract 8% In ‘09

Romania's finance minister Gheorghe Pogea Thursday said the gross domestic product may fall 8% this year and the forecast of a 4.1% contraction set in the agreement with the International Monetary Fund would be revised.