general prosecutor

New General Prosecutor Selection to Run Until May 8

Romania’s Justice Ministry announced on Wednesday that its second selection for a new general prosecutor will begin on April 12 and will take place until May 8, after all candidates interviewed in the first selection during the day were rejected.

General Prosecutor Will Not Resign or Withdraw Candidacy for Second Term

Romania’s general prosecutor, Augustin Lazar, said in a press statement on Tuesday that he will not resign nor withdraw his candidacy for a second term in office, in the context of a scandal surrounding his activity as a magistrate during the communist era.

General Prosecutor to File Candidacy for New Term

Romanian General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar announced on Monday that he will file his candidacy for a new term in office, after the country’s Justice Ministry announced that it started procedures to appoint a new general prosecutor once his current term expires on April 28.

Justice Ministry Launches Procedure to Appoint New General Prosecutor

Romania’s Justice Ministry announced on Thursday that it launched the procedure to appoint a new general prosecutor, which will be finished before the term of Augustin Lazar will expire on April 28.

Magistrate Investigation Section Chief Accuses Obstructions from General Prosecutor

The chief of the Romania’s Section for Investigating Judicial Offences (SIIJ), Gheorghe Stan, accused General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar of obstructing the section’s activity, in a press statement on Wednesday evening.

Justice Minister Announces Procedure To Appoint New General Prosecutor

Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader announced on Thursday that he will launch the procedure to appoint a new general prosecutor, so that it could be finished by April, when the term of current General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar is set to expire.

President Announces He Will Not Dismiss General Prosecutor

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced on Thursday that he will reject the proposal made by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader to dismiss the country’s general prosecutor.

Top Judicial Watchdog Rules Against General Prosecutor In “High-Ranked Culprits” Dispute

Romania’s top judicial watchdog CSM ruled on Monday that the country’s general prosecutor, Augustin Lazar, broke the magistrate deontological code when he used the expression “high-ranked culprits” to describe lawmakers who proposed and supported recent judicial reforms.

Romanian General Prosecutor Accuses Violation Of Defense Rights In Dismissal Procedure

Romanian General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar stated in his request to suspend the dismissal proposal of Justice Minister Tudorel Toader that he was not given a right to defend himself and that he could not present reasons which would have prevented the measures.

Top Judicial Watchdog Postpones Hearing On Dismissal Of General Prosecutor

The Prosecutors’ Section of Romania’s top judicial watchdog CSM postponed for November 19 the hearing of General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar, in the view of the dismissal recommendation issued by the Justice Minister Tudorel Toader.

General Prosecutor Challenges Procedure To Dismiss Him In Court

Romania’s General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar filed at the Alba Court of Appeal on Friday a request to suspend his dismissal procedure, launched by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, while also filing a criminal complaint in advance against the minister on the subject.

General Prosecutor: Justice Minister Is Exploiting A Registry Error In Nomination File

Romanian General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar said on Wednesday that a document invoked by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader as being in his nomination file was actually drafted and signed by prosecutor Cristian Lazar, and erroneously added to his file.

Justice Minister Requests Ruling On Legality Of Publishing General Prosecutor’s Nomination File

Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader requested the country’s top judicial watchdog CSM to rule on whether it would be legal to publish certain documents he said were found in the nomination file of General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar, including one from a court case involving President Iohannis.

President: Justice Minister’s Request To Dismiss General Prosecutor Is “Inadequate”

The president also requested Toader’s resignation for the second time in the past weeks, after previously doing it after a negative Venice Commission report on the country’s judicial reform process.In a statement published by the Presidential Administration, the president states that he apprecia

European Commission Expresses Concern On General Prosecutor Dismissal

The European Commission announced on Thursday that the procedure for dismissing Romanian General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar, requested by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, is a “source for concern” and it will be addressed in the upcoming Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report.

General Prosecutor Requests Consultation Of Magistrates In Revising Criminal Codes

Romania’s General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar stated on Tuesday that prosecutors from Romania’s top judicial agencies can contribute to revising draft bills amending the country’s criminal codes, requesting authorities to consult them before making further changes.

Justice Minister To Announce Results Of General Prosecutor Assessment On Wednesday – Sources

Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader will announce on Wednesday the results of his assessment on the activity of General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar, sources from within the ministry told MEDIAFAX.