
Romanian Bankers See Rates On Leu, Euro Loans At Close Levels In 18 Months

The gap between interest rates on Romanian leu- and euro-denominated loans is likely to narrow in the next 18 months, provided the cost of domestic currency lending will continue its downward trend, the head of Romanian Banking Association (ARB) said Tuesday.

Romanian Private Lending Seen Recovering In H2

Romanian private lending is poised to pick up in the second half of 2011, albeit at a slower pace compared with pre-crisis levels, said Radu Ghetea, head of Romanian Banking Association.

Romanian Banks “Warming Up” For Lending Restart – Assoc

Romanian banking system is going through a “warm-up” period, when the lenders provide mostly refinancing services, but the situation must change so that private lending can recover, the head of Romanian Banking Association said Wednesday.

Gheţea: Marjele practicate de bănci nu sunt atât de transparente pe cât ar trebui şi nici nu vor putea fi

Marjele practicate de bănci nu sunt atât de transparente pe cât ar trebui şi nici nu vor putea fi vreodată, pentru că reflectă marjele de profit şi risc care diferă în funcţie de client şi produs, a declarat marţi preşedintele Asociaţiei Române a Băncilor (ARB), Radu Gheţea.

Romanian Bks May Face Full-Portfolio Provision Booking On Consumer Loans

Romanian banks could be forced to book provisions for all consumer loans granted should they lose even one lawsuit on the application of the Government Emergency Ordinance 50/2010 regulating loan interest rates, the head of the banks association ARB said Monday.

Romanian Norms For Tax On Interest Income May Be Issued This Week

Romanian applicability norms for a planned 16% tax on earnings from loan interests are likely to be published by weekend, the head of the Romanian Banks Association (ARB) said Tuesday.

Gheţea: Profitabilitatea băncilor va fi în acest an foarte redusă, poate chiar sub 2009

Profitabilitatea băncilor va fi an acest an foarte redusă, poate chiar mai scăzută decât în 2009, în contextul în care instituţiile de credit vor continua să aibă câştiguri operaţionale, dar şi să constituie provizioane, consideră Radu Graţian Gheţea, preşedintele Asociaţiei Române a Băncilor (ARB).

Bks Would Probably Restart Lending Competition Soon – Romanian Bks Assoc Head

Romanian banks would probably restart the lending competition soon, for attracting as many clients as possible, Thursday said Radu Ghetea, president of the Romanian Banks Association.

Romanian Bks Assoc Head Pledges For Loans, Despite Higher Costs

The president of Romanian Banks Association, or ARB, Radu Ghetea, recommended clients to continue to take loans, despite higher costs and stricter requirements, adding that the banking system has the necessary financing sources.

Romanian Mortgage Lending To Revive In A Year At Most – Bk Assoc Head

Mortgage lending in Romania will revive in less than a year as there is still a market and, in spite of the crisis, clients are still looking to buy property, Romanian Banks’ Association ARB president Radu Ghetea said Thursday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Gov Statements Signal Possible Attacks Upon Leu – Bk Assoc Head

The statements of Romania’s central bank governor Mugur Isarescu signal that there could take place new speculative attacks upon the local currency, the Romanian Banks’ Association ARB president Radu Ghetea said Tuesday.

Gheţea: Băncile analizează eventuale măsuri suplimentare de siguranţă

Băncile analizează posibilitatea adoptării unor măsuri suplimentare de siguranţă, după jaful armat de la agenţia Băncii Transilvania din cartierul clujean Mănăştur, potrivit preşedintelui Asociaţiei Băncilor din România, Radu Graţian Gheţea.

Romanian Bkers Want Ctrl Bk To Cut Rate, Min Req Reserves Ratios

Romanian bankers are waiting for the central bank to cut both the key rate and the minimum required reserve ratios in next week’s Board meeting, in order to unfreeze lending, said the president of the Romanian Banks Association, or ARB.

Romanian Bk Assoc Head: Banks Want Rate Subsidies For SME Lending

The bankers have proposed the Economy and Finance Ministry to subsidize the interest rates paid for loans taken by the small and medium-size companies, which might be strongly affected by the economic crisis, Romanian Banks’ Association president Radu Ghetea said Thursday.