
Romanian Loan Guarantee Fund Grants EUR144M For Agriculture Programs In 1H

The Romanian Rural Loan Guarantee Fund (FGCR) granted EUR144 million in guarantees in the first half of the year for agriculture programs that need EU funds, and 66% of the total loan guarantees were granted for investment projects.

Romania’s Govt To Guarantee Loans Of Pvt Cos For Co-Financing EU-Funded Projects – PM

Romania’s Government will guarantee loans contracted by private companies for the co-financing of several projects backed from European Union funds, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday.

Romania Eyes Guaranteeing Loans Of Pvt Cos For Co-Financing Of EU-Funded Projects

The Romanian Government plans to also guarantee the loans contracted by private companies for the co-financing of several projects backed from European Union funds, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romania Ctrl Bk: Banks Will Seek Additional Guarantees After Personal Insolvency Law Adoption

The adoption of the personal bankruptcy law might force banks to require additional guarantees, which would restrict people's access to loans, Adrian Vasilescu, an adviser for the central bank governor, said Tuesday.

Romania’s SMEs Guarantee Fund Mulls Granting RON1.8B Guarantees In 2010

Romania’s guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises plans to grant guarantees worth 1.8 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0981) in 2010, up 9.6% compared with a year earlier, for loans worth RON3.806 billion.

Romania Govt Sets Home Purchasing Program Guarantee Budget At EUR700M This Year – Fin Min

Romania’s government will assign a maximum of EUR700 million for its state-guaranteed home-buying program in 2010, down from EUR1 billion last year, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Thursday.

Romanian Govt Withdraws Up To EUR280M Guarantees From Bks In “First Home” Program

Romania's Government will withdraw 220-280 million euro guarantees from seven banks that approved no loan or very few loans to buy a house via the “First Home” program, redistributing the funds to other lenders, officials said Friday.

Romanian Govt To Hike Corporate Deposits Guarantee Limit To EUR50,000

The Romanian Government will hike the guarantee threshold for companies' bank deposits to EUR50,000 from EUR20,000, after it increased the guarantee ceiling for household deposits in October.

Partial Loan Guarantee In „First House” Proj To Trigger Lower Interest Rates – Bker

The partial guaranteeing of the loan through the "First House" project will lead to lower interest rates, but it depends on each bank, while the biggest impact as regards lending will be seen at euro-denominated loans, Alpha Bank president Sergiu Oprescu said Tuesday.

Housing Loans Guarantee Program Also Depends On Bks

The state guarantee of the loans for buying the first home may stimulate the real estate and constructions market, but the result depends on how the program will be applied and on banks’ reactions, according to the representatives of real estate agencies, developers and construction companies.