
Filmul „Hail, Caesar! „, regizat de Joel şi Ethan Coen, va deschide Berlinala 2016 – VIDEO

Lungmetrajul "Hail, Caesar!", regizat de Joel şi Ethan Coen, va fi proiectat, pe 11 februarie, în deschiderea celei de-a 66-a ediţii a Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Berlin, au anunţat, vineri, organizatorii evenimentului.

Heavy Rains, Thunderstorms Expected Throughout Most Of Romania This Weekend

Romanian weather authorities issued a code yellow advisory forecasting heavy rain and thunderstorms over the weekend throughout most of the country, except the northwest and eastern regions.

Heavy Rains Flood Several Areas In Romania

Dozens of homes and households throughout the country were hit by floods Friday afternoon following heavy rains.