
Fotbalist arestat după ce prietena sa, în vârstă de 15 ani, a fost ucisă

Un fotbalist în vârstă de 18 ani legitimat la Stoke City, Andrew Hall, a fost arestat după ce prietena sa a fost înjunghiată mortal, sâmbătă, la o petrecere în localitatea Ampthill.

Ce dietă are un maratonist înainte, în timpul competiţiei şi imediat după cursă

Americanul Ryan Hall, care se pregăteşte pentru JO de la Londra, alergând 20 de mile zilnic, 5 zile pe săptămână, spune că un maratonist trebuie să aibă un plan de nutriţie în perioada de antrenament, în ziua de dinaintea şi în dimineaţa competiţiei, în timpul maratonului şi imediat după cursă.

Bucharest City Hall To Take Back 3,000 Parking Spots From Dalli Exim

Bucharest City Hall announced it will begin Monday to take over the over 3,000 parking spots managed by Dalli Exim, since the company was notified, one month ago, that the contract signed with the mayoralty in this respect in 1995 was terminated.

Bucharest Ex-Mayor, Employees To Pay RON5M Damages To City Hall

The former general mayor of Bucharest, Adrean Videanu, is forced to pay, along with another 23 employees of Bucharest City Hall, some five million lei (EUR1 = RON4.1786), money spent inefficiently on works at the Lia Manoliu stadium and when setting up sidewalk curbs.

Second Bucharest City Hall Corruption Suspect Brought In

The second Bucharest City Hall clerk targeted by the corruption sting operation unfolded Thursday by anticorruption prosecutors, and who was under an all-points bulletin, Gheorghe Dicu, was captured and arrested for 29 days under charges of soliciting bribery.

Bucharest Court Arrests One Of The Two City Hall Bribery Suspects

The Bucharest Court issued a 25-day arrest warrant for one of the two City Hall clerks detained by the National Anticorruption Department on charges of soliciting bribery.