
Romanian Senate Adopts Law Banning Psychoactive Drugs

Romania's Senate on Tuesday adopted the law banning psychoactive substances and laying down tough requirements for sale authorization, while allowing authorities to seize merchandise and temporarily suspend unauthorized shops.

Romanian Govt To Send Parliament Bill Banning Hallucinogenic Plants

Romania's Government will send the Parliament an "extremely tough" bill banning products made from hallucinogenic plants, which allows authorities to seize merchandise and makes obtaining sale authorization very difficult.

Romanian Govt Orders „Legal High” Shops To Stock Authorized Products Exclusively – Sources

Romanian "legal high" shops will be required to sell solely government-approved products, and authorities will crack down on the sale of hallucinogenic plants and associated substances, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX on Wednesday.

Bucharest Authorities Ban „Legal High” Shops Located Near Schools, Hospitals

Shops selling products made from hallucinogenic plants and located within 1.5 km of a school, dorm, hospital, church or train station have been banned in Bucharest, as per a decision by the city's council.

Romanian Health Ministry To Regulate Legal Hallucinogenic Substances

The Romanian Ministry of Health, together with the National Anti-drug Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, will analyze the situation of products with hallucinogenic effect, those not included on the list of controlled substances, since in Romania there are now several shops selling such items.