hallucinogenic plants

Romania Bans Sale, Consumption Of Hallucinogenic Plants Starting Monday

The decree adopted by Romania’s Government banning the distribution, sale and consumption of ethnobotanical plants with hallucinogenic effects came into effect Monday after it was published in the Official Journal.

International Antidrug Watchdog Accuses Romania Of Aiding Sale Of Light Drugs

The International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy accuses Romania of aiding the sale of hallucinogenic plants, arguing that the Government offered protection by allowing shops ten days to get rid of their stocks.

Romania Bans Sale, Distribution Of Hallucinogenic Plants

The Romanian Government on Wednesday adopted an emergency decree banning the distribution and sale of 36 plants and hallucinogenic substances.

Romanian Lawmakers Adopt Draft Law Banning Hallucinogenic Plants

Romanian deputies adopted Tuesday a draft law banning the distribution and sale of plants and plant extracts that have hallucinogenic effects.