
Romanian Electoral Bureau To Resume Null Vote Recount Sunday Morning

Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau has halted the recount of ballots voided in Sunday’s presidential election runoff and will resume it Sunday morning, citing fatigue after its members spent all night counting.

Bucharest Subway Traffic Temporarily Halted Over Attempted Suicide

Traffic on one of Bucharest subway routes was halted Tuesday morning for about half an hour because of a woman who threw herself on the track and told rescuers arrived at the scene that she has no idea how she ended up there..

Kraft Foods Plant In C Romania Halts Production

The Kraft Foods plant in central Romanian city Brasov halted production starting Thursday and all 220 employees left in the plant will receive layoff notices by the end of the month.

Romania’s SNLO Sends Over 9,000 Employees On Tech Unemployment For One Mo

Romania’s state-owned brown coal mining company – Societatea Nationala a Lignitului Oltenia, or SNLO, sent on technical unemployment over 9,000 employees between June 15 and July 15, on large existent coal stocks.

Romanian Lignite Mining Co May Suspend Prod For 30-Day

Romania’s state-owned lignite mining company SNLO may suspend production for a 30-day period as of June 15, on falling demand for coal, the company said Tuesday.

Locomotiva unui personal a luat foc într-o haltă din Mureş

Locomotiva unui tren personal a luat foc, miercuri dimineaţă, în halta Petelea din judeţul Mureş, cel mai probabil din cauza unui scurtcircuit, în urma incidentului neînregistrându-se victime.

Michelin To Reduce Production At Two Romanian Units In Feb

Michelin Romania, the local division of French tire maker Michelin Group, will halt production on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays in February at Silvania plant and on Sundays at RomSteel Cord, both located in Zalau, northwestern Romania, sources close to the matter said Wednesday.

Romania Halts Plans To Build New Hospitals– Health Min Official

Romanian authorities decided to halt the program targeting to build new emergency hospitals and to look into the opportunity of upgrading existent hospitals, Cristian Anton Irimie, secretary of state with the country’s Health Ministry, said Saturday.

Romanian Carmaker Dacia Halts Prod Again For Two Weeks As Of Jan 26

Romania’s Automobile Dacia, the local unit of France’s Renault, said Monday it will halt production again for two weeks, between Jan 26 and Feb 8, following continued dramatic decline in auto markets.

Putin Discussed Gas Problem With Bulgarian PM, Romanian Pres

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin discussed problems involving Russian gas transit via Ukraine with Bulgarian Prime Minister and Romanian President Traian Basescu over the phone on Tuesday, Itar-Tass reported.

Car Safety Sys Mkr Autoliv Romania To Temporarily Cease Activity, No Layoffs

Swedish automotive safety systems maker Autoliv halted production Monday in its plant in central Romanian city Brasov, and for the plant in Lugoj the same measure will be applied starting Wednesday, due to lower demand. Activity will be resumed on January 5, said Autoliv Romania general manager Ionel Fierbinteanu.

Romanian Car Mkr Dacia Drops 620 Temps, Halts Production Until January 11, ‘09

Romanian car maker Dacia decided not to extend 620 temporary labor contracts that expire late December, confirmed a new cease of activity, between December 11 and January 11, and announced it is switching to a lower output.

Romanian Car Mkr Dacia Resumes Prod For 3 Days, Halts Ops Until Jan ’09 – Sources

Romanian car maker Dacia, the local unit of French Renault, will resume production on December 8, only for three days, and will halt operations as of December 11 until January 2009, citing lower demand on the local and export markets, sources close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romanian Car Mkr Dacia Halts Production Btw Nov 20- Dec 7

Romanian car maker Dacia halted production Thursday until December 7 at its plant in Mioveni, southern Romania, after it previously halted operations on November 13 and 14 and on October 30 and 31, citing lower demand on the local and export markets.

Romanian Car Mkr Dacia Halts Production On Nov 13, 14

Romanian car maker Dacia will halt production on November 13 and 14 at its plant in Mioveni, southern Romania, after it previously halted operations on October 30 and 31, citing lower demand on the local and export markets.

Circulaţia feroviară între Ploieşti şi Câmpina, reluată pe ambele fire

Circulaţia feroviară între Ploieşti şi Câmpina care fusese blocată după ce o basculantă plină cu nisip s-a răsturnat pe liniile ferate a fost reluată, luni, pe un fir, în jurul orei 13.50, fără ca vreun tren să fi înregistrat întârzieri.