
Health Minister Appoints Interim Medicines Agency Chief

Romanian Health Minister Victor Costache appointed Dr. Roxana Stroe as the new interim head of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania (ANMDMR), until a new full-time chief will be appoint by contest.

Romanian Health Ministry To Begin Talks On New Health Bill Thursday, With Doctors’ College

Romania's Health Ministry will begin discussions Thursday to develop a new healthcare bill and revise the basic service package, with the Doctors' College being the first partner invited for talks.

Romanian PM: Ruling Coalition To Discuss New Healthcare Bill On Monday

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said the ruling coalition on Monday will discuss developing a new bill on healthcare reform, which will not shut down or privatize the emergency services.

Romanian Health Ministry Resignation Sparks Antigovernment Protests

Romania was the scene of anti-government protests Saturday evening, with as many as 2,000 people occupying Bucharest's University Square, while smaller rallies of no more than a hundred people took place in Sibiu, Suceava, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and other cities.

Vacancies In Romanian Healthcare Might Be Filled, Staying Within Approved Expense Limits

Hiring in the Romanian healthcare system may be unfrozen, where this does not exceed budgeted personnel expenses, says a draft decision put up for public debate on the Health Ministry's website.

Romanian Doctors May Not Reject Patients Over Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation

Romanian medical personnel is obligated to provide consultation only to someone previously accepted as a patient, but may not reject a person on grounds of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or other criteria of discrimination prohibited by law, says the new healthcare bill.

Romanians Highly Dissatisfied With Public Healthcare Services – Poll

Romanians are highly discontented with the Romanian healthcare system and the way it is managed, according to a research conducted by IRIS Network in 28 countries.

Romania’s Frame-Law On Healthcare To Be Completed By December 15-20 – Minister

Romania’s Health Minister Ladislau Ritli said Tuesday the frame-law on healthcare, which is currently at the health ministry for debates, will be completed by December 15 or December 20.

Romanian Health Minister: Co-payment To Regulate, Optimize System

Co-payment in Romanian healthcare will have a regulating effect, will optimize the patient's flow through the system and will reduce the unjustified use of certain services, such as hospital treatment, Health Minister Ladislau Ritli said Tuesday.

Romanian National Health Insurance House Remains Autonomous

Romania's National Health Insurance House will remain autonomous and in charge of the healthcare budget, and its head will still be appointed by the prime minister, but it will acknowledge the health minister's authority in the implementation of public policies.

IMF Official: Romanian Healthcare Clawback System Hasn’t Worked, Copayment Needed

Romania's Government should replace the clawback tax in the healthcare system with a new version and implement the proposal for co-payment as soon as possible, Jeffrey Franks, head of the IMF agreement evaluation mission, told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian President: Lack Of Control In Healthcare Spending Is Unacceptable

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday, after the meeting with the IMF, European Commission and World Bank delegation, that the Government cannot increase the healthcare budget until the sector's expenses are put in order, even though it is underfinanced.

Romanian Family Doctors Stand Firm In Negotiations On Healthcare Contract

Romanian family doctors will not sign the new frame-contract with the National Health Insurance House unless it is adopted in the form agreed with the Health Ministry.

Romanian Health Min: Converted Hospitals To Save Budget RON175M

Romanian Health Minister Attila Cseke said Sunday on ProTV that converting 67 hospitals to nursing homes for the elderly will save the state budget 175 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0966), but one of the goals of this move was curbing their inefficiency.

About 100 Unionists Picket Romanian Health Ministry Over Closed Hospitals

About 100 unionists affiliated with the Sanitas union in the healthcare system are picketing the Health Ministry Thursday over authorities’ decisions to shut down dozens of local hospitals countrywide and turn them into nursing homes.

Romanian Health Insurance House Placed Under Parliament Control – Bill

Romania's Senate on Wednesday adopted a bill amending Law 95/2006, on healthcare reform, placing the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) under the Parliament's control.

Romanian Opp Liberal Party To File Five Motions On Healthcare

Romania's opposition Liberal Party will file five simple motions on healthcare, in the following weeks, former Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu said Friday in a press conference.

Romania To Implement New Healthcare Frame-Contract On June 1 – Sources

Romania's new frame-contract on public healthcare will enter force on June 1, two months later than originally planned, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX ON Wednesday.

Romanian Family Doctors Reject Healthcare Contract, Threaten Lawsuit Against Govt

Romanian family doctors decided Saturday not to sign the frame-contract with the National Health Insurance House and are prepared to take the government to court, over provisions which breach the rights of patients and physicians.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Govt To Revise List Of Compensated, Free Drugs, Cut Hospital Beds By 5,700

Romania’s Government has committed in negotiations with the International Monetary Fund to revise the list of compensated and free medicines with a view to reducing their number and replacing the remaining ones with cheaper drugs.

Romanian Senate Committee Approves Copayment System For Public Healthcare

Romania’s Senate committee for healthcare on Tuesday endorsed the bill introducing a copayment system for public healthcare services.

Romanians Without Income To Pay 5.5% Of Min Wage As Monthly Healthcare Contribution

Romanians without income will have to pay monthly health insurance contributions in the amount of 37 lei (EUR1=RON4.2581), or 5.5% of the minimum wage, unless they are registered as receiving some form of social assistance.

Spouses, Parents Of Romanian Healthcare System Contributors Still Insured – Health Min

Romania's Health Minister said Tuesday evening that pensioners and revolutionaries will be required to pay 5.5% as contribution to the social health insurance system, as of next year, while first-degree relatives of an insured person, without their own income, will remain exempt from contributing.

Romania To Widen Health Insurance Tax Base To Pensioners Earning At Least RON740

The Romanian Government decided that pensioners whose monthly income is at least 740 lei (EUR1=RON4.3110) should pay contributions to public health insurance, which enlarges the taxation base by 2 million people, Health Minister Attila Cseke said Monday.

Staff Shortage Hurts Romanian Healthcare System More Than Lack Of Funding

The Romanian healthcare system is confronted with a major crisis in terms of human resources, said Monday Lucian Duta, head of the national Health Insurance House (CNAS), adding this problem is bigger than insufficient funding.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Govt Pledges To Reduce In-Hospital Treatment, Drug Markup

Romania's Government plans to limit in-hospital treatment next year to 10% of its 2010 level and reduce the price markup paid for drugs used in treating cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, TBC to 1.5% for retail and 4% for wholesale purchases.

Romanian Healthcare Co-Payment System Likely To Be Introduced In First Half Of 2011- Min

Romanian Health Minister Cseke Attila said Monday, after talks with Jeffrey Franks, head of the International Monetary Fund mission to Bucharest, that Romania will probably introduce the co-payment system for healthcare services in the first half of 2011, following debates in Parliament.

Healthcare Unionists Protest Wage Cuts In NE Romania, Clash With Security

Around 300 Romanian healthcare unionists of the Sanitas federation in Iasi, northeastern Romania, have clashed with security forces Friday afternoon in their attempt to break through security lines and enter the prefect’s office, in their protest over the 25% wage cut.

Over 150 Unionists Picket Romanian Health Ministry

Over 150 members of the Romanian “Sanitas” Federation of healthcare unions are picketing the Health Ministry’s headquarters Thursday over wage cuts and vow to continue protests the entire month.

Romanian Ambulatory Care Suppliers Must Be ISO-Certified As Of 2012 – Draft

Romanian suppliers of ambulatory care, including recuperation-rehabilitation and dental medicine, will be required to hold ISO quality certificates by December 31, 2011, according to the draft frame-contract on healthcare.

Romanian Health Minister Asks For 5,000 New Employees, PM Approves Only 1,000

Romanian Health Minister Cseke Attila asked the Government to unfreeze 5,000 jobs in the public healthcare system, but Prime Minister Emil Boc said that only one in seven vacancies, or 1,000 overall, can be unfrozen at the moment and any changes will have to be negotiated with the IMF.

Romanian Health Minister Requested Healthcare System Hiring Thaw

Romanian Health Minister Cseke Attila confirmed Wednesday that he requested the Government unfreeze the jobs in the healthcare system that must be urgently filled, adding that a decision could be made by the Executive next week.

Romanian Govt To Decide On Exemptions From Healthcare Co-Payment – Sources

The Romanian Government discussed in its meeting Wednesday the introduction of the co-payment system for healthcare services and will further decide which social categories will be exempt from co-payment, said people close to the talks.

Corruption Is Main Problem In Romanian Healthcare, Medic And Patient To Blame – Poll

Corruption is seen as the Romanian healthcare system’s biggest issue and both doctor and patient are to blame for bribery, says a poll conducted by the non-governmental Association for the Implementation of Democracy, published Thursday.

Romania’s Govt Pledges To Enforce Healthcare Co-Payments

Romania’s Government pledged that it will introduce the co-payment system for healthcare services and that exemptions from co-payment will not exceed a set cap, according to the country's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission.

Romanian Bill To Force Alcohol Abusers To Pay For Their Own Medical Services

The Romanian Senate’s committee for legal matters Tuesday endorsed a legal initiative whereby people who require medical attention over voluntary alcohol abuse would have to pay for the medical services.

Romanian Health Ministry To Hold Negotiations On Healthcare Frame Contract With Family Doctors – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday the Health Ministry will hold negotiations with family doctors to solve the issues regarding the country’s new frame contract on the provision of medical assistance in 2010.

Romanian Liberals To Initiate Two Motions Targeting Healthcare System, Business Environment

Romanian liberal deputy Eugen Nicolaescu said Tuesday liberals will submit in two weeks a motion regarding the country’s healthcare system, adding another motion targeting the business environment will be submitted when the amendments to the Fiscal Code are presented.

Romania To Ready In Feb Draft Law Introducing Healthcare Co-Payment – Health Minister

Romania’s Health Ministry will complete this month an IMF-required normative act introducing a co-payment system for public healthcare services, minister Cseke Attila said Wednesday, adding the law should have been completed by December 2009.

Romanian Health Ministry Mulls Job Cuts Among System Auxiliary Staff

Romania’s Health Minister Cseke Attila told a news conference Sunday that while specialized medical staff in the healthcare system will not be laid off, the ministry is looking at potential job cuts among auxiliary staff in the system.