
Heliport medical pentru cel mai mare spital din sud-estul României. Se va ateriza şi noaptea

Spitalul Judeţean din Galaţi va avea heliport medical pe care se va putea ateriza şi noaptea. Autorităţile judeţene au decis să modifice proiectul iniţial al parcării supraetajate de la spital şi să amenajeze pe acoperiş o pistă de aterizare pentru elicopterul SMURD. În cadrul ultimei şedinţe a Consiliului Judeţean Galaţi, a fost aprobată documentaţia tehnică […]

Israeli Transport Helicopter Crashes In C Romania – Romanian Defense Ministry

Romania’s Defense Ministry said Monday that an Israeli CH-53 helicopter carrying six Israeli troops and one Romanian soldier lost radio contact with the control center and was later found to have crashed near Fundata, central Romania.

Three Injured In Intl Service Helicopter Emergency Landing

An Alouette helicopter belonging to the Romanian Intelligence Service, or SRI, made for an emergency landing Thursday mourning in southern Romania, injuring the two crew members and the fighter on board.

Dead Engineer In S Romania, Unlikely Hit Be Helicopter – Investigators

The farming engineer found dead Saturday in Bujoreni, Teleorman, southern Romania, is unlikely to have been hit by the propeller of a helicopter, said Sunday Mircea Ciuca, the head of the aeronautic investigation department with Romania’s Transports Ministry.