high school

Forty Students Require Medical Assistance after Pest Control Action at Arad German High School

At least 40 students from the Adam Muller Guttenbrun High School in Arad required medical assistance on Monday and Tuesday, after they were intoxicated with an unknown substance following a pest control action at the institution.

Prestigiosul program de leadership adresat liceenilor Aspire High School s-a încheiat marţi

Aspire High School, cel mai prestigios program de leadership din Sud-Estul Europei destinat liceenilor, s-a încheiat marţi la Poiana Braşov, sesiunile pentru ediţia din 2019 a programului. ”Este cel mai bun program educaţional de acest tip”, susţin profesorii invitaţi, pentru MEDIAFAX.

Bulgarians Choose Romanian Over English In Language Studies

Bulgarian pupils who are preparing to take the admission exam for foreign language high schools choose to study Romanian, instead of English.