
Constanta, Fourth City In Romania With Home Prices Above EUR1,000/Sqm

Constanta becomes the fourth large city in Romania where home prices exceed the threshold of EUR1,000 per square meter, with the Imobiliare.ro index registering an increase of 2.1% in April, to EUR1,013 per sqm, from EUR992 per sqm, according to a statement released on Monday.

Romania To Use Significant Share Of EU Funds For Building Thermal Rehabilitation – PM

Romania's Government plans to use a significant part of EU funds to support the building thermal rehabilitation program and will ask the authorities involved to better publicize the incentives for homeowners who begin such projects, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Around Half Of Romanian Homeowners Will Have Mandatory Insurance By 2011 – Regulator

Around half of Romanian homeowners will sign mandatory home insurance policies by July 2011, compared to fewer than 10% at the moment, Insurance Supervision Commission president Angela Toncescu said Tuesday.

Romanian Homeowners Have 6 Months To Get Mandatory Home Insurance

Romanian homeowners have six months to insure their homes, as the country’s law on mandatory home insurance has entered force.

You Tube transmite în direct premiera documentarului „Home”, de Luc Besson

Platforma video YouTube, deţinută de Google, va transmite, vineri, în direct, de Ziua Mondială a Mediului, premiera filmului "Home", produs de Luc Besson, simultan cu debutul din cinematografe.