
Coldwell Banker: Over 25,000 Homes Under Construction In Romania’s Main Cities

Over 25,000 housing units are under various stages of development and are due to be delivered in 2017 in Romania’s main regional residential markets, such as Bucharest – Ilfov, Cluj – Napoca, Sibiu, Brasov and Constanta, according to a study by real estate consulting firm Coldwell Banker Romania.

Romanian Govt Cuts Subsidy For Residential Construction Through Mortgage Loans

Romania's Government has decided not to subsidize the construction of homes through mortgage loans, arguing that budget revenues are insufficient to continue support for this program, and will limit the benefit to applications already filed.

Romanian State-Built Home Rent Capped At One Third Of Average Net Wage – Draft

The rent paid for social homes the Romanian state will build in public-private partnership in the next years will cover administrative costs, the property tax and home insurance, and will not exceed one third of average net wage, according to a draft Government decision.

About 70% Of Romanians Would Rather Buy A Home Than Pay Rent – Poll

About 70% of Romanians would rather buy a home than rent one and most prefer three-room apartments, but nearly half of them can only afford a down payment of less than EUR10,000 for a home, according to a poll by property website

Property Websites Differ On Bucharest Apartment Price Trend

Apartment prices in Bucharest registered a significant decrease in the first quarter of 2011 compared to the year-earlier period, but real estate websites disagree on the month-on-month evolution.

Romanians Who Failed To Insure Homes By Jan 15 Risk Fines

Romanian homeowners who did not insure their homes by January 15, 2011, either through mandatory or voluntary insurance policies, may be fined 100 lei (EUR1=RON4.1869) to RON500 by local authorities, Pool of Insurance against Natural Disasters (PAID) general manager Marius Bulugea said Tuesday.

Romanian Homeowners Have Until July 15, 2011 To Get Mandatory Home Insurance

Romanians must insure their homes within one year after the first mandatory home insurance policies were issued, namely July 15, 2010, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.

No Interest In Buying Romanian State-Built Homes While Rents Low – Regional Development Min

Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Thursday that, as long as the rents on homes built by the National Housing Agency (ANL) are so low, no one will be interested in buying them.

Romania Regional Development Min To Subsidize Interests On Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehab

Romania’s Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea on Thursday said the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings will be made with loans contracted by homeowners’ associations and guaranteed by the state, with interest rates subsidized by the Regional Development Ministry.

Over 1,000 Homes Need Rebuilding After Major Flooding In Romania – PM

About 1,000 homes will need to be rebuilt following floods that ravaged the country this summer and claimed 23 lives, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday during a videoconference with prefects across the country.

Romanian Govt Approves Program To Purchase Materials To Rebuild Flood-Affected Homes

Romania’s Government approved Wednesday a program through which the state will provide materials for the reconstruction or repair of homes affected by “natural disasters” in 2010.

Romanian Govt Guarantees Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehabilitation

The Romanian Government decided in its meeting Wednesday to approve a normative act setting that homeowners can have their apartments thermally refurbished by taking out bank loans guaranteed by the state with subsidized interest.

Romania Hikes Tax On Owners Of Multiple Homes

The Romanian Government decided in its meeting Wednesday that owners of multiple homes would pay 65%, 150% and 300% more on the yearly home tax, set in ratio with the number of homes owned.

Romanian Govt To Move Solidarity Tax On Multiple Homes From Fiscal Code To Separate Law

Romania’s Government decided Monday to move the provision requiring owners of multiple homes to pay a solidarity tax this year from the act amending the Fiscal Code to a separate bill, with no influence on the Code.

Romania To Enforce Solidarity Tax On Owners Of Multiple Homes

Romania hopes to collect 31 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2448) this year from owners of multiple homes, as they will have to pay a “solidarity tax” by September 30, amounting to 50%-200% of the yearly tax on their other houses, according to a draft ordinance obtained by MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romanian Govt Amends National Housing Agency Functioning Norms

Romania’s Government adopted Wednesday a decision to amend the norms regulating the functioning of the National Housing Agency, or ANL.

Romania’s Govt Decides High Seismic Risk Homes To Be Insured After Consolidation

The Romanian Government decided in a meeting Wednesday that homeowners who live in blocks of flats with high seismic risk will not come under the law regarding mandatory home insurance against natural disasters until the respective blocks of flats are consolidated.

Romanian Senate Adopts Draft Law To Build At Least 50,000 Social Homes

Romania’s Senate adopted Wednesday with 38 to 36 votes and one abstention a normative act drafted by social democrats and conservatives, regarding the construction of at least 50,000 fully equipped social homes.

Romania Might Enforce Mandatory Home Insurance Law As Of July 1

The law forcing Romanian homeowners to insure their homes against natural disasters might be enforced as of July 1 if PAID, the company issuing mandatory home insurance policies, manages to conclude the reinsurance contract with reinsurance brokers, PAID head Marius Bulugea said Wednesday.

Romanian Development Min To Sell State-Made Homes Cheap

Homes made by the Romanian National Housing Agency (ANL), meant to be rented by young people, will be sold at prices below EUR19,140 for a studio, below EUR26,950 for two rooms and below EUR36,014 for three-room apartments.

Romanian Development Min Wants 25,000 New Rural Homes Built For Doctors, Teachers, Priests

The Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Ministry plans to build around 25,000 homes in several communes around the country for teachers, doctors, priests, engineers and specialists who want to work in rural areas, Minister Elena Udrea said in a press conference on Friday.

Bucharest Needs 140,000-170,000 New Homes To Catch Up With Warsaw, Prague, Budapest – Study

Romanian capital Bucharest has 404 apartments for every 1,000 people, and a further 140,000-170,000 need to be built before it reaches the level of other European capitals such as Warsaw, Prague and Budapest, according to a study by Colliers International.

Romania Might Enforce Mandatory Home Insurance Law As Of End-March ‘10

The law forcing Romanian homeowners to insure their homes against natural disasters might be enforced toward the end of the first quarter of 2010 if PAID, the company issuing mandatory home insurance policies, manages to conclude a reinsurance contract, PAID head Marius Bulugea said Monday.

Romanian Government Delays Implementation Of Mandatory Energy Certificate Law Until 2011

The law stating real estate transactions in Romania would require an energy certificate will be enter force as of January 1, 2011, its implementation having been delayed by the Government through an emergency ordinance.

Unirii Area Has Bucharest’s Most Expensive Old Flats –

The most expensive old flats in Romania’s capital city Bucharest, according to the average trading price per square meter, are located in Unirea, Cotroceni and Victoria areas, according to a survey by which did not include Herastrau, Primaverii, Casin and Ferentari neighborhoods.

Romanian Govt Sets 5% Downpayment, Limited Interest Rates For “First Home” Program

People contracting loans via the “First Home” program will pay either a 5% downpayment for a house that costs maximum EUR60,000, or EUR3,000 plus the difference of the purchase price, according to the methodological norms enforcing the program, which were adopted in the government meeting Sunday.

Housing Loans Guarantee Program Also Depends On Bks

The state guarantee of the loans for buying the first home may stimulate the real estate and constructions market, but the result depends on how the program will be applied and on banks’ reactions, according to the representatives of real estate agencies, developers and construction companies.

House Prices In Romania To Lower In The Upcoming Period – RE/MAX

Prices on the Romanian residential market could lower in the upcoming period and will be regulated by homes’ degree of accessibility instead of the balance between supply and demand, according to real estate network RE/MAX.

Romanians Start Preferring Homes Under Construction Or Finished

Sales of homes part of residential projects in Romania have started to drop, as people prefer to buy homes in advanced construction stages or finished, according to real estate network RE/MAX.

Old Apartment Prices In Bucharest Dn Avg 12% In 2Q

The prices of old apartments in Romania’s capital city Bucharest decreased an average 12% in the second quarter of the year compared to the first quarter, with the highest decrease posted by two-room apartments, realty website said Monday.

Tenants Buying ANL Homes Obliged To Keep Them Five Years

The homes rented to youngsters via the National Housing Agency ANL may be sold only to tenants whose average income per family member is lower than double the gross average salary and who undertake to keep the home for five years.

Only 8% Of Romanian Homes Insured

Only 8% of the some 8.4 million residences in Romania are insured, through a specific optional policy, said the president of the Romanian Insurance Surveillance Commission (CSA), Angela Toncescu, within a seminar.