
Rafila: Restaurants, especially those without terraces, will probably be late in opening

The president of the Romanian Society of Microbiology (SRM), Alexandru Rafila, has said on Monday that restaurants, especially those that operate indoors and have no terraces, will be delayed with reopening, in the context in which, after 15 May, hotels could resume operations.

Romanian Hotels Cut Tariffs By 30% This Year

Tariffs charged by hotels in Romania were reduced by 30% this year, despite tax hikes and higher workforce costs, federation of employers in the tourism sector FPTR said in a press release Friday.

Romanian Tourism Min Plans To Expropriate Run-Down Seaside Hotels Starting This Fall

Hotel owners on Romania’s Black Sea coast, who keep their units in poor condition or closed, must be forced to open them to tourists, or be expropriated starting this fall, Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Friday.

Romanian Sea Coast Hotel Operators Forced To Stay Open Throughout Summer Season

Operators in the Romanian tourism industry will have to keep accommodation units on the Black Sea shore open throughout the entire summer season, from May 1 to October 1, and rehabilitate the units, the Government decided in a Cabinet meeting Sunday.

Profitul grupului ungar Danubius Hotels în România a scăzut cu 11% anul trecut

Profitul operaţional obţinut de grupul ungar Danubius Hotels din activităţile derulate în România a scăzut cu 11% anul trecut, de la 228 milioane de forinţi (3,44 milioane de lei) la 203 milioane de forinţi (3,1 milioane de lei).

Bucharest Hotel Occupancy Rate Seen 10% Higher In 2011

The occupancy rate of Bucharest's three- and four-star hotels will rise this year by about 10%, having increased in 2010 to 42% from 39%, according to the Bucharest Benchmarking Report, developed by consulting firm Fivestar Hospitality.

Romanian Tourism Min Says Hotel Owners Who Don’t Invest May Be Expropriated

Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Saturday owners of hotels in spa resorts who bought them “for nothing” and keep them in ruins risk fines or confiscation, adding a law in this respect already exists.

Many Hotels In Romania Could Be Closed In 2011; Owners Unable To Sustain Loss-Making Businesses

Many hotels in Romania might be closed in 2011 because hotel owners no longer have financial resources to sustain loss-making businesses, Tinu Sebesanu, manager of consulting company Trend Hospitality, told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Hotel Prices High; Only Low Demand Can Slash Prices – Tourism Min

Romania’s Tourism and Regional Development Minister Elena Udrea said the prices charged by hotel owners on the Black Sea Coast are pretty high compared to the conditions they offer, adding only a low demand, like that in the summer of 2009, can trigger lower prices.

Bucharest Hotels See 20-Year Low In January ’10 Load Factor

January 2010 was the weakest month in the past 20 years for hotels in Bucharest, which were forced to close some 30% of their rooms, due to an average load factor below 30%, Hotel Industry Federation secretary general Mihai Rijnita told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Bucharest Hotels’ Q3 Avg Room Rate Dn 20% YY – Survey

The average room rates of Bucharest hotels fell 20.6% on the year in the third quarter, to EUR77.97, on the backdrop of the financial crisis, according to a survey of free online hotel reservation service

August, Worst Month In 10 Years For Bucharest Hotels – Consultant

August was the worst month in revenues and demand of the past ten years for the 4- and 5-star hotels in Romania’s capital city Bucharest, and the occupancy rate fell to 30%-40% because of the economic crisis, according to consultancy company Trend Hospitality.

Romanian Seaside Hotels Forced To Lower, Even Negotiate Fees

The small number of customers has forced hotel operators on the Romanian Black Sea coast to consider reducing their fees, even though they are even than prices asked by tour agencies, Romanian Tourism Employers’ Association general secretary Dragos Raducan told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Romanian Seaside Hotels Ready To Welcome Tourists For Easter

Romanian travel agencies said 41 hotels on the seaside are ready to welcome tourists for Easter this year, of which, 22 hotels in Mamaia resort, three in Eforie Nord and 16 hotels in Olimp, Venus, Saturn and Mangalia resorts.

Sale Prices Of Romanian Hotels Seen Dn 30% In ’09 – Consultant

The sale prices of Romania’s hotels will drop by at least 30% in 2009, due to the financial turmoil, while the number of hotel transactions is seen down 70% compared with 2008, Sorin Ionescu, managing partner in hotel consultancy company Fivestar Hospitality, said Tuesday.

Romanian Beaches To Be Leased To Hotel Owners

Romania seaside beaches will be leased to hotel owners this year during the summer season.

Romania Tourism Ministry To Keep Stakes In Hotels In Times Of Crisis- Official

Romania’s tourism minister Elena Udrea said Tuesday, within the International Tourism Fair in Madrid, that she disagrees with selling, during this period, the stakes the ministry owns in several hotel companies, arguing the ministry would obtain low prices in the fallout of the economic crisis.

Romanian Hotels Below Quality Standards – Official

The bulk (70%) of Romania’s accommodation facilities is below quality standards, secretary of state Lucia Morariu said Tuesday.

Marriott, Best Western, Ramada And Starwood Mull Expanding Ops In Romania

International hotel chains Marriott, Best Western, Ramada Plaza and Starwood plan to expand their operations in Romania, officials of the hotel operators said Monday.