
Building A House In Bucharest Suburbs Costs Less Than EUR80,000

Building a 100 sqm house near Bucharest costs between EUR58,000 and EUR80,000, since the economic crisis slashed construction and plot prices, according to a study of Romanian realty website

Romanian Government To Hasten The Approval Of “First House” Loan Application Files

The Romanian Government and the banks plan to reduce the approval intervals for the application files within the “First House” program and to propose prolonging the deadline for signing the house transaction pre-contracts by up to 20 days.

Romanian Govt Extends „First House” Guarantee For House-Building

The Romanian Government guarantee for the “First House” program will equally target the people taking loans for building a house, according to completions made by the Cabinet at the program’s methodological norms.

Armed Robbery At Currency Exchange House In E Romania

One currency exchange house in eastern Romanian city Galati was robbed, Saturday, around 09:30 local time, by two masked individuals who threatened the cashier with a gun and made off with some RON15,000 without harming anyone.