iab romania

Google Romania Becomes Full Member Of IAB Romania

Google Romania is a full member of Internet advertising association IAB Romania, as of Monday, according to a press release.

Romania’s Online Advertising Market 1H Sales Estimated At RON25.5M

Romania’s online advertising market generated sales of about 25.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2459), in the first half of 2009, down 25% compared to the same interval last year, and up 58% compared to the first half of 2007, according to Romanian Online Advertising Study (ROADS).

Romania 1H Online Advertising At RON33.87M – Survey

Romanian online advertising market reached 33.87 million lei (EUR1-RON) in the first half of the year, close to the RON42.60 million figure reported for the entire year 2007, a survey compiled by IAB Romania and PricewaterhouseCoopers showed Wednesday.