
FOCUS: Auto Importers in Romania, Carmaker Dacia Cut Costs, On Lower Demand

Massive used car imports and harsher lending conditions, in the fallout of the global financial crisis, prompted Romanian auto importers to cut costs, scale down their car fleet, curb the expansion process and hire people only in exceptional cases, while local car maker Dacia even halted production.

Romanian Medicine Distributors, Importers Demand Imported Drug Price Recalculation

Romanian medicine distributors warned that the situation of imported medicine found on the compensated list and included in the National Programs is not solved, and demanded the immediate recalculation of the price for the mentioned products.

Twenty-Two Carmakers, Importers Engaged In Romania’s „Junk Car” Program

Some 40,000 cars included in Romania’s car fleet renewal program dubbed "Rabla" ("Junk Car") were distributed to 22 carmakers and importers, of which, over 25,000 under the brands Dacia, Daewoo, Renault-Nissan, Fiat, Hyundai, Suzuki, Opel and Chevrolet.