
Small Romanian Vegetable, Fruit Producers To Pay Income Taxes

All small Romanian producers of vegetables, fruit, flowers, cereal and wood will pay a tax of 16% on net income, while livestock farmers, beekeepers and silkworm farmers who do not sell to collectors or processors will continue to be exempted, according to a proposed amendment to the Tax Code.

Romanian MEP Vadim Tudor Referred To Prosecution Office Over Allegedly False Income Statements

Romania’s integrity agency ANI has referred far-right Greater Romania Party leader and MEP Corneliu Vadim Tudor to the General Prosecutors’ Office for alleged false statements in declaring his income for 2006 - 2008.

Salaries Won In Court Subject To Social Security Taxes – Amended Romanian Fiscal Code

Salaries awarded through court rulings and the wage earned by the president of a homeowners' association will be included in the gross income and will be subject to social security taxes, under Romania's Fiscal Code, as amended by the Government.

More Than Half Of Romanians Have Lower Income Compared To 2009 – Survey

More than half of Romanians have lower income in 2010 compared to 2009, and this is the case of both people aged over 35, with low education, and younger people with higher education and average income, according to a survey conducted by market research company 360insights.

Romanian Employers To Declare, Pay Social Security Contributions For Copyright Income – Draft

Romanian employers will have to withhold, declare and calculate the pension insurance contribution and the contribution to the unemployment fund for their employees’ income from copyright, according to a draft government emergency ordinance.

Erste: Romanian Disposable Income To Fall 10% In 2010

Romanian disposable income is expected to decrease by around 10% in real terms this year and by 0.8% in 2011, according to an Erste Bank report released Wednesday.

Nearly Three In Ten Romanian Townspeople Give Up Vacation This Year- Survey

Nearly three in ten Romanian townspeople will give up vacation this year, and another 16% of them will reduce their budget travel, according to a survey conducted by market research company 360insights.

Romania To Keep IT Income Tax Exemption – Finance Ministry

Romanian IT developers will continue to enjoy income tax exemption, and the Government’s letter of intent to the IMF and memorandum of understanding with the EU make no mention of eliminating this advantage, says a Finance Ministry press release issued Thursday.

Romania Reduces Quota Of Deductible Expenses On Intellectual Property Income To 20%– Draft

The quota of deductible expenses for the net income obtained from intellectual property will be reduced to half, at 20% of the gross income, from the current 40%, according to a draft emergency decree amending the Fiscal Code.

Romanian Govt To Reconsider Taxation Of Handicapped Individuals

The Romanian Government will reconsider the decision to tax people with severe or incapacitating handicaps and will establish that the income from wages obtained by this category does not count as salary and is not taxable, as they were under the system applied before the end of 2009.

Some 60% Of Romanians Believe They Are Worse Off Financially Compared To Early 2009

Romanians believe that their financial situation this year and the current outlook are worse than those in the beginning of 2009, while the percentage of those who said they are worse off financially climbed close to 60% in February, according to a poll conducted by GfK Romania.

Around 30% Of Romanian Public Pension Contributors Earn Less Than RON800

Around 30% of Romanian contributors to the public pension system earn less than 800 lei (EUR1=RON4.1054), and about one million of them are registered as earning less than RON600, National Pension House (CNPAS) president Doina Parcalabu said Tuesday.

Half Of Romanians Have Lower Income, More Than Half To Avoid Risky Investments – Poll

Almost half of Romanians say the economic crisis has had a negative impact on their income and expect things will not change in the future, while two thirds of them say they will avoid risky investments, according to a poll conducted by research company Unlock Market Research.

Half Of Romanians Affected By Fincl Crisis In Mar – GfK Survey

The income of almost half of Romanians was negatively affected by the financial crisis in March, especially at the level of extra-salary gains, according to a survey of research company GfK.

Romanian Fiscal Watchdog Sets New Rules For Income Statement

Individuals who obtained, in the fiscal year 2007, income from the transfer of ownership rights to bonds, are no longer obligated to state this income in January, according to Romanian fiscal authority ANAF.

Romania Ranks Ten On Income From Immigrants Chart

Romania is ranked ten in the world when it comes to the sums of money sent, by immigrants working abroad, to their home countries, the value reaching $6.8 billion in 2007, according to a report compiled by the World Bank on a world level.

Romania Wages To Reach 75% Of Current EU Average 20 Years From Now-Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Paul Pacuraru on Tuesday said it will take two decades for Romanians’ salaries to reach 75% of the current European average wages, but only if the economic growth stays at the value registered in 2006.