
Romanian Mothers Who Return To Work Before End Of Maternity Leave May Get Extra RON500

Romanian mothers who return to work at any time before the end of the two-year maternity leave might receive an indemnity of 500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2996), Labor Minister Ioan Botis said Friday.

Romanian Mothers Of Multiples To Receive Indemnity Worth RON600, Or 85% Of Avg Income

Romanian mothers of multiples need to choose between an indemnity of 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2463) per child or an indemnity worth 85% of the incomes achieved in the past 12 months plus RON600 for the second or third child.

Romanian Deputies Ok Additional RON600 Child Indemnity For Each Baby From Multiple Birth

Romanian deputies adopted Tuesday, with 216 "pros," 2 "cons" and 4 abstentions, a legislative initiative, which stipulates that women who give birth to twins, triplets or multiples will receive for each baby an additional indemnity of 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.1548) starting with the second child.