industrial output

Romania May Indus Output Sees 5th Biggest Monthly Fall In EU

Romania’s industrial production nudged down 0.2% on the month in May, the fifth largest decrease in the European Union, official data showed Wednesday.

Romania March Indus Output Sees 5th Highest Monthly Growth In EU

Romania’s industrial output posted in March the fifth biggest monthly increase in the European Union, official data showed Wednesday.

Romania Jan Indus Output Rises At 4th Fastest Pace In EU

Romania’s January industrial production posted the fourth biggest annual increase in the European Union, official data showed Friday.

Romania ‘09 Adjusted Industrial Output Down 5.7% YY

Romania's adjusted industrial production fell 5.7% on the year in 2009, driven mainly by declines in the mining and manufacturing industries, the statistics institute INS said Friday.

Romania Oct Adjusted Industrial Output Up 0.2% On Month

Romania's adjusted industrial production inched up 0.2% in October compared with the month earlier, while unadjusted output increased 3.6% on the month, the National Statistics Institute said Tuesday.

Romania Sept Adjusted Industrial Output Up 1.3% On Month

Romania's adjusted industrial production rose 1.3% in September compared with August, while unadjusted output increased 21.3% on the month, the National Statistics Institute said Monday.

Romania’s 7-Mo Ind Output Up 5.8% On Yr

Romania’s industrial output grew by 5.8% on the year in January-July, driven mainly by the manufacturing and the electric power sectors, the National Statistics Institute said Friday.

Romanian 1H Industrial Output +5.9% On Yr

Romanian industrial output grew 5.9% on the year in the first six months of the year, while in June alone, it was 4% higher compared with the corresponding month a year earlier, the National Statistics Institute said Thursday.

Romanian Jan-Apr Industrial Output +7.3% On Yr

Romanian industrial output grew 7.3% on the year in January-April driven by growth in the energy and manufacturing sectors, the National Statistics Institute said Friday.