
Romania’s Bank Tax Could Lower Interests on Deposits

The so-called “greed tax” on bank assets will not necessarily affect lending so much as it might prompt the bank to cut costs by lowering interest rates on deposits, which are already below the inflation rate.

Romania Avg Bank Rate On New Loans Rises To 11.7% In February

Romanian average banking interest on new loans in national currency leu rose by 1.58 percentage points to 11.7% in February, due to increased rates for new corporate lending, central bank data showed Wednesday.

Romanian Lenders Pay Excessive Interests On FX Deposits – Ctrl Bk Gov

Romanian lenders pay surprisingly high interests on foreign currency deposits compared to international rates, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Thursday.

Banks Reticent To Finance Romania At 7% Yield, Despite Low Mkt Rates – Ctrl Bker

Romanian banks still hesitate to finance the state at a 7% annual yield, despite money market rates of around 2%, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Thursday.

Romania Avg Bank Rate On New Loans Rises To 11.69% In May

Romanian average banking interest on new loans in national currency leu rose by over 0.5 percentage points to 11.69% in May, due to increased rates for new corporate lending, central bank data showed Thursday.

Romanian SMEs Min To Discuss “First House” Program”, Interests Still High

Romanian SMEs minister Constantin Nita Tuesday will have public talks with the factors interested in the “First House” program, as the interests are still very high, deputy Prime Minister Dan Nica said Monday.

Romanian Banks Hiked Deposit Rates Faster Than Lending Rates – Ctrl Bker

Commercial banks have changed their behavior compared to recent years and increased interest rates for deposits faster than for loans after the central bank raised its monetary policy rate, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Tuesday.