
Eşecul programului IMM Invest. La 5 zile de la lansare, site-ul dedicat întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, nu funcţionează

Platforma IMM Invest care oferă posibilitatea IMM-urilor de a obţine credite de până la 5 milioane de lei de la bănci, trebuia să fie lansată săptămâna trecută şi este încă blocată. ,,Noi sperăm să-i dăm drumul astăzi. (…) Înscrierea durează 10 minute, iar cererile către bănci sunt trimise în maxim 24 de ore’’ a spus […]

Romanian Casa Auto Invests EUR16.5M In Mercedes Showroom, Service In Bucharest

Casa Auto Bucuresti, Mercedes-Benz dealer, will build a EUR6.5 million show-room and a EUR10 million service on Bucharest ring road in the second half of the year, the company said Wednesday.

Romanian Transport Min Proposes RON8.4B Railway Network Invest By 2020

Romanian railway infrastructure requires annual investments of 700 million lei (EUR1=RON3.6422) annually between 2009 and 2020, namely RON8.4 billion, that might be granted from state budget, according to the Ministry of Transports.

Romania’s CFR Calatori To Buy RON855M Railcars In 3 Yrs

Romania’s state-owned passenger railway company CFR Calatori plans to buy 200 railcars worth 855.482 million lei (EUR1=RON3.6698) in the next three years, the company said Monday.

Three Major Carmakers Consider New Plants In Romania – Official

Three automotive giants, Germany’s Audi, the luxury-car division of Volkswagen AG, Daimler AG and Japan’s Mitsubishi Motors, seek to open new plants in Romania, a Romanian official said Monday.

Romanian Businessman, Foreign Co To Invest In Wind Power

Romanian businessman Jean Valvis said Monday he plans to invest several million euros, jointly with a foreign partner, in wind and photovoltaic power in Romania.

Japan’s Carmaker Mitsubishi Mulls Investing In Romania

Japanese carmaker Mitsubishi Motors is considering investing in Romania, following talks with Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu, who proposed an investment in a car plant, the Romanian Government said Thursday in a statement.