
Former Heads Of Romanian Gendarmerie Indicted In Illegal Hiring Case

Romanian prosecutors completed investigations in a case regarding illegal hiring within the Interior Ministry (MAI) and indicted Olimpiodor Antonescu, former inspector general of the Romanian Gendarmerie, and Nicolaie Rugina, former deputy inspector general.

July Plane Crash In SE Romania Caused By Technical Problems

The plane crash that took place on July 5 in Tuzla, in the southeastern Romanian county of Constanta, occurred due to some technical problems, and prosecutors will not start criminal investigations into the case, said the Prosecution Offices’ press bureau.

Romanian Prosecutors Start Criminal Investigations Against Neonatology Head In Maternity Fire Case

Romanian prosecutors Friday started criminal investigations against neonatologist Adrian Ion Toma on charges of negligence, in the case involving a fire at the Bucharest Giulesti maternity hospital, which resulted in the death of five newborn infants and severe injury of six others.

Romanian Udrea Committee To Continue Works Tuesday

The president of the Romanian public procurement regulator ANRMAP, Cristina Traila, is expected Tuesday for hearings within the Udrea Committee.

Romanian Telecom Ops To Work With Authorities, Supply Communications Data

Romanian electronic communications companies are obligated to store, over six months, certain data regarding telephone calls, written messages or e-mails, which could be accessed by the Ministry of Interior, prosecutors, and intelligence structures, on request.

Members Of Organized Crime Network Caught Red-Handed In S Romania

Two people were arrested and other two are probed at large for drug possession following thorough checkups conducted by the officers of the Craiova Department Fighting Organized Crime, southern Romania.